Mens Mag Daily Gets Intense Interview With Cali Carter


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Mens Mag Daily Gets Intense Interview With Cali Carter

Financial Debt Pays Off With Interest From Porn Fans

VENICE, CA – Cali Carter didn’t set out to be a porn star. The college grad was trying to get into a program to become a registered nurse but ran out of financial aid.

She worked hard to get her debt to income level back into a range where she could get a loan, but she burned out from working night and day.

“I had no social life, I could barely sleep, and I could barely do anything,” she told Mens Mag Daily. “My boyfriend at the time recommended that I do porn. He thought I would do well. I told him I wasn’t going to do it. I was thinking about it for 3 or 4 months and January rolled around so I figured new year, new start.”

Cali is now one of the industry’s top new starlets, working for many of the industry’s top companies. New releases include Young Panty Ho’s 3 (3rd Degree) and Big Dick Gloryholes 12 (Lethal Hardcore). In a new interview with Mens Mag Daily she talks about how different the industry is than she expected, how her family accepted her decision and her plans for the future. You might say that she’s different than most girls.

“I’m different from like 9 out of the 10 girls you might see in porn,” she says. “I’m always interested in the other girls’ stories and some of them came from a bad background, or were strippers, or models and they somehow just got into it. I don’t want to say they were pinned up against it but it seems like it was more connected to their past whereas I completely branched off from what I was doing. I would say I’m completely different.”

Read the Mens Mag Daily interview at

Check out the EveryJoe interview at

Cali is now being represented by Rising Star PR. For more information go to

Cali is on Tumblr (, Twitter (@calicarterxxx) and Instagram (@officialcalicarter). Book Cali through ATMLA at

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