Seymore Butts Featured On Fox News Channel Sunday, June 27th!


Seymore Butts Featured On Fox News Channel Sunday, June 27th!

June 23rd, 2004 (Chatsworth, CA): Though Janet Jackson’s right breast is currently under clothing arrest, the effects of Boobgate ” lest you forget, the media’s terming of Jackson’s exposure during this year’s Superbowl halftime show ” still resonates throughout the media thanks to crackdowns both self-imposed and externally influenced by outfits such as the FCC. As the debate on what is classified as “indecent” intensifies, Fox News Channel is taking a look at the issue during a one-hour special entitled Breaking Point: Sexual Broadcasting, which includes a segment discussing the current climate in adult entertainment featuring an interview with Seymore Butts.

Having once been the target of obscenity charges for Tampa Tushy Fest, Butts was interviewed about his experience with being indicted, how he fought the case, and his feelings about the current political administration and how it affects the industry in which he chooses to make his living. He also discusses how parents should protect their children from adult content.

Richard Arnold, CEO of Pure Play Media Inc., is pleased with the coverage and feels that Butts’ appearance on the show lends a positive face to the adult industry.

“It proves the legitimacy of Seymore Butts,” says Arnold. “Seymore has been through more than his fair share of battles in the 13 years he’s worked in the industry, none more intense than his obscenity charges, yet because of his perseverance and intelligence he’s come out on top. When media needs somebody they come to the best guy in the business, and we’re proud to say that’s Seymore. It’s a testament to him and Pure Play is pleased that we’re all together in this. We’d like to thank Fox News for giving Seymore the opportunity to speak his mind on the issues currently surrounding the industry.”

Fox News Channel’s Breaking Point: Sexual Broadcasting airs this Sunday, June 27th at 9pm EST/6pm PST and repeats at 12am EST/9pm PST.

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