Reader Mailbag


Checking the reader email for a couple of interesting comments.

Randy Writes:

I read your post on Monday and was shocked that this was all the attention you gave the convention. Is that all you have to say about the Bush pep rally?

Rog Replies:

All I have to say? No it isn’t. On the other hand I am not going to cut & paste stale jokes from operative sites. I like my porn simple, but my politics with a little more complexity than what you’re geting from other sites. That kind of small-minded, disdainful, oafish, shifty, tedious bullshit isn’t worth my time or yours. I could take one of the email jokes that has been passed around more than Julia Roberts and post some droll, humorless schedule of events like the faux-socialists and goose-stepping lemmings do. Would that make you happier? No thanks. I would rather do my own thinking and let and other hate organizations pass out their marching orders to those who need to follow them. That about cover it?

And then someone had a totally different take…

nrhs1974 writes:

Rog, how can you go on and on about politics and your fucking golf game and not make any mention of the Selena Silver Vs. Wankus feud that is brewing. You’re letting us all down with that crap.

Rog Replies:

Thanks for the email. Sorry if my post didn’t meet your needs. The truth is that I wrote about politics and my golf game because I know a whole lot more about those two subjects than I do about the Selena Silver situation. I have read her original post, Wankus’ response and the dozens of replies on both sides of the issue. At this point I have not been contacted by any of them about the issue. Rather than adding to the problems I have decided to just let them work it out. If either side wants to talk about it on this site, they know where to find me. I’m just an email away.

A little too little for some, a little too much for others and as always, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

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