

For those of you looking for something more than just the usual membership porn site, offers something unique and really cool. Like it’s sister site,, this one offers exclusive HD content that plays on your desktop and features gorgeous models. All you have to do is download the free software, select the content you want and enjoy it any time. The free previews are fun and give you a really good idea of what you will find when you purchase the content. Getting the movies is really easy. You don’t pay a monthly fee, but instead buy only the sets that you really want. To purchase content you buy credits and then use them to acquire “cards” which consist of the desktop movies, bonus photos and some extra video clips. The quality of the content is a major selling point, but there is something even more impressive. The models on are spectacular. They dance, do solo or girl/girl updates. If you are looking for hardcore you will need to find another site. If you are looking for great looking women showing off amazing bodies in a totally unique format then give a try.


Once you have downloaded the free software you can watch a number of free sample videos. They are short, fully clothed versions of the desktop shows. You can browse the available material using drop down menus that allow you to sort by ethnicity, hair color, outfit, body type and other details.

When you find a girl or set you want, you purchase the card using your existing credits. (Most of them cost 2 or 3, but there are special single credit cards available.) When you purchase a card you get all of the content that is included. The bulk of this content is the HD show. The shows feature sexy girls dancing and playing. Shows run between 45 minutes and an hour and play on your desktop. They are very high quality and look fantastic. Cards also include bonus high definition photos and special videos.

As of 9/23/10 there are 696 cards to choose from. I purchased three to get a good idea of what they have to offer. I grabbed one featuring a busty model named Domino who is a beautiful 23 year old. She does a sexy strip tease on a pole in a little plaid outfit. Her card also includes 60 hot still photos and two bonus video clips.

I also chose a lovely Asian girl named Ting. Her card features a hot schoolgirl striptease that I will be watching again and again. The photos feature her slowly taking off her schoolgirl uniform. There are also bonus videos of this cute girl.

Chems is a French girl of Middle Eastern descent who stars in a hot nurse show that I purchased. Hers is probably the best show that I downloaded. The photos and bonus clips are excellent as well.

Community: In addition to the hot models and unique content, also offers an extensive community with over 120.000 members. It functions largely like a normal social networking site with friends, profiles and messages passed back and forth. There is also a huge message board covering all sorts of topics. This is an interesting addition to the site and you can find some interesting conversations and a lot of new friends.

Cost: Unlike other sites that charge a monthly fee for membership, only charges you for what you actually want. You buy credits and then use those credits 2 or 3 at a time to purchase cards. It is a very simple system and allows you to get started at a very low price. It also allows you to purchase credits in bulk at a very low price once you get hooked on these babes.

Credit your account with 1 credit for $2

Credit your account with 3 credits for $5

Credit your account with 7 credits for $10

Credit your account with 20 credits for $25

Credit your account with 50 credits for $50

Models: 18 of 20 (Very Sexy)

Quality of Content: 17 of 20 (Excellent)

Quantity of Content: 19 of 20 (Very Frequent Updates)

Ease of Use: 16 of 20 (Solid.)

Niche Appeal: 18 of 20 (Totally Unique)

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