Dvsx 2005 Avn Awards Nominations Announcement


DVSX 2005 AVN Awards Nominations Announcement
To our dedicated fan’s, our champions, we “thank-you” for watching our

Videos and for choosing to spend your; Free Willy nights with DVSX, you are truly the best!
We would like to take this moment to thank Paul Fishbein, Tim Connelly, and

All the staff at AVN for their tireless efforts all year round and for making the 2004 nominations” happen for us, along with their dedication and consistent support in keeping porn’s voice free and alive in America today.
Special thanks go out to all the tireless workers, whose sweat goes into every video; the talent, directors, writers, editors, artists and above all, “everyone behind the scenes” whose hard work make it all possible to get the product and the press out there to the masses on time.
In addition, with much gratitude, we would also like to thank all the websites, the reviewers, and above all “the buyers” for all you do for us, You are all an important part of why, we are still around today and we recognize this in you.
Finally yet importantly, we would like thank the entire porn industry in itself for just being you!
Now with enough said; it gives us great pride to announce the following 2005

AVN Awards Show Nominations for DVSX…
Best Gonzo Series: Double Parked
Best Vignette Release: Gothsend
Best Foreign All-Sex Release: DVDA
Best Ethnic Themed Release – Asian: Sakura Tales 4
Best Tease Performance: Gothsend – Gia Jordan
Best Anal Sex Scene: A.N.A.L. 3 – Lauren Phoenix & Lee Stone
Best Transsexual Release: More Than a Woman 9
Best Marketing Website: DVSX.com

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