ELEGANT ANGEL PRESS RELEASE: www.elegantangel.com is online
From Tuesday, December 14th, www.elegantangel.com is finally online. After a complicated history, and the expiration of certain business commitments in 2003, Elegant Angel has finally addressed its diminished online presence with a website geared specifically to inform customers, press, and distributors about its up and coming releases. Box covers, trailers, ordering information, and news about the company’s future productions will serve as the central focus of the website.
“The design will be constantly evolving,” says Graham Travis of Elegant Angel. “Right now it’s by no means the best company website online, but, it was simply a matter of getting out there, and giving our fans a resource of information about our movies. Too many people over too long a period of time have prevaricated about a corporate website at this company. It shouldn’t have been so hard to get our box covers, and trailers online for people to enjoy, while acquainting themselves with our product. I hope with the feedback of our customers we can make the necessary improvements, but at least this can be done within the context of a fun engaging experience for everybody who visits www.elegantangel.com.”
The website features:
The “Latest Releases” section, with large box covers (front and back)
An “In the Works” section, with Behind the Scenes video, and preview pics
A “News” section that posts all the companies latest press releases
A “Galleries” section that includes some of the most stunning photo shoots at the EA over the last twelve months (Lauren Phoenix & Cytherea)
A “Trailers” section, that features all of Elegant Angel’s recent movies
An “Easter Egg Hunt,” section, that gives customers a sneak preview, and reveals the location of EA’s DVD Easter Eggs
An “Interviews,” section, with insightful words from the company owner, Patrick Collins
A “Music” section, devoted to William H’s movie theme songs that have received a great deal of notoriety
A “Director’s” section, that previews EA’s director’s activities in 2005
A “Comp Spotlight” section that lists the box covers to each and every one of the company’s four hour compilations
The website is currently online now at www.elegantangel.com. Please feel free to check it out, and familiarize yourself with our product. If you have any problems or suggestions, please feel free to email any of us at: