Dark Angels 2: Bloodline Movie Preview: Two Thumbs Up!



HOLLYWOOD, CA ” ‘Dark Angels 2: Bloodline’ from New Sensations and director Nic Andrews offers more thrills per minute than any adult movie sequel in history. What started as a flicker of an idea nearly five years ago has finally become a reality as this highly anticipated epic motion picture sequel works its way to store shelves.

The original ‘Dark Angels’ brilliantly directed by Nic Andrews, changed the way many of us look at adult feature movies with its dark themes and compelling story.

“We caught a lot of viewers off guard with the original,” joked Andrews who along with New Sensations walked off with a truckload of major movie awards back in 2001.

The buzz from one top adult critic who had a chance to preview footage from the stunning thriller before it hits stores reports that ‘Dark Angels 2: Bloodline’ kicks ass in a ‘Dirty Harry’ sort of way.

“This movie is one big ass whoopin’ complete with fist fighting, bodies flipping, machine gun battles, SUV crashes and bloody throat biting making this the greatest sex action sequel of all time” he responded.

“We had to be even better than the original,” Andrews said with a dead serious tone.

Dead is the operative word as this movie gets serious when a murderous clan of the ‘undead’ headed by a modern day vampire named Draken goes on a killing spree in an effort to avoid extinction. Draken, expertly played by Barrett Blade surrounds himself with a world of sex and violence in an all-out effort to survive.

With riveting special computer FX, horrific Hollywood make-up and wire to wire action, ‘Dark Angels 2: Bloodline’ delivers a powerful series of punches that will leave the viewer on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

Perhaps the most unexpected aspect of this high intensity thriller is the breakthrough performance by best new starlet contender Sunny Lane who turns in a magnificent performance worthy of a ‘best actress’ consideration.

Sunny might be the ‘new girl in town’ as far as the porn world is concerned but she shines brightly under the impressive direction of Andrews. What this larger than life director has done is nothing short of spectacular as he coaxed a stellar performance out of the relatively inexperienced Lane.

“Nic was really great to work with. He had a lot of patience with me and I really needed that. I’m excited that all of this hard work is really paying off,” stated Lane when asked about the experience of working with perhaps the porn world’s most accomplished ‘Hollywood style action’ director.

Also standing out amidst the whirlwind of heavy activity is the performance that Dillon Day turns in as he plays male tough guy Jack Cross who along with Sunny is the key to defeating the murderous vampires. His gritty no BS style works well opposite the sweetness and naiveté of Sunny Lane who teams up with Cross to fight back in this non-stop battle.

With all of the special effects, layers of make-up, intense gun fighting and superb cast of characters, the story comes blazing through allowing the sex action to flow naturally within the story.

Evan Stone turns in a solid performance as a bad ass sidekick to Barrette Blade’s menacing vampiral leadership. .

But it is Sunny Lane who bursts through the screen with a captivating performance that oozes wide-eyed wonderment and rural girl innocence. Hers is the type of performance that could very easily find itself in one of those mainstream teen horror flicks that this country is so fond of.

There is no movie like ‘Dark Angels 2: Bloodline’. There has never been an adult movie sequel that comes close to this wild ride. New Sensations in tandem with the astounding Nic Andrews has delivered a fearless tour de force capable of winning another truck load of adult industry awards year.

The Fear is back!

Check out www.darkangels2.com more information.

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