Weekly Pipeline: December 12th


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Weekly Pipeline: Week of December 11th
Adult News:
This week is all about comebacks. Devinn Lane never really left, but she went from Wicked Girl to Shane’s World contract director in a very short time. Good for her. The stuff she was shooting for Wicked already felt a lot like the fun gonzo flicks that SW shoots, so it’s a very good fit. I couldn’t find word as to whether or not she is going to be performing in the new movies or not, but obviously we all hope to see her back in front of the camera as well as behind it.
Seymore Butts’ Searchlight Talent agency has inked the two comeback girls of the week. Phylissha Ann is back after taking two years off. Know for her solid anal scenes and do-anything attitude, she will find her way into plenty of smut flicks. The return of Taylor Hayes is an even bigger story. Before she was a Vivid Girl, Taylor was lighting up the screen in Seymore movies. (She was the Tushy Girl between Shane and Alisha Klass.) I have always felt that Taylor is one of the prettiest girls in the history of porn and those anal scenes with Seymore were nothing short of heart-stopping. For now she is only doing girls and blowjob scenes. It isn’t a full comeback, but at least we get to see her sucking some cock. She has already shot a scene for an upcoming Seymore movie and we’ll be seeing more of Taylor. Now if we can just coax Shane back in front of the camera, we’ll all be really happy.
It wasn’t such a great week for Rob Black. The obscenity charges against Extreme Associates have been reinstated and he’s going to have to either fight this one in front of a jury or cop a plea after all. I know that some people see this as the worst possible development, but I still think that a solid win in court for Extreme could be a good thing in the long run. On the other hand I think we can all agree that the Federal Government has more important things to spend time and resources on. I would suggest writing to your Senators, but on this one we get no help from anyone on either side of the aisle.
I’ve got a couple of interviews to transcribe in the next couple of weeks. Kami Andrews and Ivan met me for lunch and I got more than two hours of tape from these two. With Vegas just around the corner, these will probably be my last two for the year. The list for interviews in Vegas is already growing and I’m hoping to get some of the names you have requested this year.
I reviewed a couple of really good titles this week. POV fans will want to check out Asian POV 3 from Devil’s Films. Me Luv U Time 8 is a fantastic flick as well and features a couple of the best sex scenes of the year. I also wanted to check out one of the big features Dark Angels 2 and I found it to be really good as a movie though a bit lacking sexually. For those of you who really want to have a good laugh, I made my on-screen debut in Jack’s Playground 27. Feel free to laugh at that and if anyone wants to review my performance….go ahead.
Outside World:
Sundance ran a great documentary this weekend. It’s called “Porn Shutdown” and covers the 2004 HIV outbreak. Some of it was retread stuff about AIM and the quarantine list, but offered a very interesting look at the issue on the whole. I kind of laughed at the way they linked Rob Black, his plight and his style to all of the “gonzo” world. Incorrect and annoying in my eyes, but mostly just lazy and misleading. They didn’t paint a flattering picture of Rob or Max Hardcore, but to make the claim that they make mainstream gonzo porn is more than a little off base. It is worth a look if you can find it, but be prepared for a rather bleak look at an industry that is far too often, worthy of much of the scorn it receives.
I generally don’t watch high school football. If you don’t have a kid at the school or work at the school, isn’t it kind of creepy to keep tabs on how the “boys” look this year? (Those of you in SoCal may be familiar with the “Coach Kintera” shows on the radio and cringe at how much he knows about all the teenage boys in the area.) I did get a look at the Section 1 title game on Saturday night though and wow. What a football game. Esperanza and Loyola put on quite an offensive show. The second half shoot-out featured a dominant ground attack against an amazing passing game. A 42-42 tie with a minute to play and Esperanza fumbles a kick off? 49-42. What a game. (Best of all, no shots of Steve Hartman or John “Peanut-head” Ireland.
Speaking of football, congratulations to Reggie Bush. The USC super-back won in a landslide and he deserved to do so. Thanks to some great friends I have had the opportunity to see Bush and SC play quite a few times this year. Bush is just an amazing player and his “Holy Shit” factor is off the charts. (Every week he finds new ways to make us all scream “Holy Shit” at the top of our lungs. He’s going to be fun to watch in the NFL next year, but thanks to the aforementioned great friends, I get to watch him play one more time…in the National Title Game on January 4th at the Rose Bowl.
This week everyone in California seems to be focused on the impending execution of Tookie Williams. The co-founder of the Crips is scheduled to die this week for the murders of four people. I know that many of you oppose the death penalty in cases and I have a great deal of respect for that position. I don’t share it and certainly think that the murder of four innocent people for no reason is cause enough to execute someone. Never mind the creation of a gang that by many accounts has murdered 10 times as many people as the Mafia. I know that many people point to the good things Tookie has done over the past ten years. (Books for children, speaking out against gang life etc.) I happen to believe in redemption on a spiritual level and think that he should be praised for those good deeds. On the other hand I don’t know if living the “right” way while incarcerated and monitored 24/7 is cause for clemency. Everyone on death row “finds God” in one way or another. Remember my friends….Ted Bundy was a model prisoner and found religion at the end. You won’t find me cheering on the day of his death and I turn off the radio during a certain station’s “Tookie Must Die” segments, but all the good deeds in the world can’t repair the families he ruined or make up for the lives he took.
I know that Arnold is considering clemency for Tookie, but I think that he’ll think better of it in the end. After last month’s elections he needs to do something strong and giving in to the most vocal of a tiny minority of voters (Those who think Tookie has earned a free pass for his crimes) would pretty much sink him politically. After the huge steps backwards we took last month, it would be a horrible move. He’s coming off an election where he was out-spent 10 to 1 by the Union thugs and partisan hacks who enable them and still only lost by about 10 points. The common sense reforms that could have restored some sense of political decency to our state may have been defeated, but it took the worst of the worst, lying their asses off and taking out loans to mis-inform the voting public to stop common sense. I’m actually encouraged by that somewhat. When the other side, those who want to steal power from the people, have to lie and are afraid to use the U-word then we’ve already won. The thugs may have kept their power for a bit, but their time is nearing an end. As my good friend Monstar would say, the Union thugs and the mindless lemmings they lead over the cliff are dinosaurs. I may be disappointed, but it is going to feel very good to explain my position to these people next year. “Sorry I can’t contribute to the local school/fire department/police department fund raiser, but your Union thugs managed to raise my taxes just enough that I can’t afford it. Maybe you can ask them for your political dues back and use that money.” OK that won’t make me feel good. I come from a family of teachers and cops. I love every one of them, but their Unions have screwed us all. AGAIN!!!!!

Reader Email:

Smart-Azz Writes

Hey Rog. Happy Holidays to you bro. Isn’t it about time for you to have a feud with someone? It always seems to happen right before the end of the year. Who is it this year?

Oh man, I knew this was coming. It does seem to be true that someone always starts something with right before Vegas. Last year it was the Tony T “slape” issue and before that it was some harsh words from the Kerkoves. This year there really aren’t any issues and I’m pretty happy about that. It has been a mostly conflict-free year. There was the Monstar thing at XRCO, but we’re friends from way back and nothing is going to change that. Maybe I’ll get drunk and be an ass to him and we’ll be even. So with any luck this will be a peaceful year with lots of great interviews and hot chicks instead of drama. Then again, if someone wants to start something, this would be the chance to do it. (How many people do you think are actually typing instead of getting the joke?)

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