Driller: A Sexual Thriller


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Driller: A Sexual Thriller


84 Min

Devil’s Den

THEMES: Classic Porn, Horror


2010 (2984)

STARS: Taija Rae, Dick Howard


Don’t let the overall grade fool you. This flick should be on everyone’s must-see list for a long list of reasons. This is a crazy trip in the way back machine for me. Way back to the 80’s, long before porn parodies were all the rage and when a guy named Michael Jackson was changing the pop culture landscape. Porn was quite different then too. Most companies still made really crappy features. In the middle of all that came “Driller” a not-so-thinly veiled parody of Michael Jackson and his horror inspired music video. To call it unique would be an understatement. Driller is part “Rocky Horror” part Dark Bros. and part MTV. It even has a full dance troop, original soundtrack and some truly bizarre sexual images. Far from traditional, this is a truly wild ride down memory lane. It is something you won’t soon forget. This isn’t something you are going to watch for pure stroke value. It is an interesting movie that looks like a low budget B horror flick and offers up some original music and dance numbers. It is a wonderful piece of erotic cinema to be enjoyed for what it is. Then grab a Jules Jordan flick and get your stroke on.

Taija Rae and Dick Howard are in attendance at a concert by the legendary Mr. J. They watch with other concert-goers as he runs through a full dance number to a synth pop tune that sounds a lot like “Billie Jean.” The full dance troupe isn’t something you every day.

After the how, Dick expresses his jealousy and displeasure over his girl’s obsession with the pop star. In turn he expresses her disinterest in his sexual advances. He shoves his dick into her furry mound anyway. The dialog (Voice over done after the fact) is actually hilarious even if unintentionally so. He fucks her face and then shoots all over her hands as she tries to avoid his seed.

With her boyfriend gone, Taija watches late night horror flicks. A group of zombies breaks into her room and breaks into another dance number. As she cowers under the covers, Mr. J appears, turns into a werewolf and terrorizes her with a menacing fake cock. He puts it in her in a mostly softcore scene that is a few decades before its time. (All those fake dick movies may have been inspired by this one.)

Mr. J takes her back to his dungeon where she watch a three-ring circus of sex that includes a leashed brunette being fucked by a hunchback, a pair of gold painted lesbians sharing a light up dildo and two leather masked dudes fucking a blonde. These are not traditional sex scenes and sort of pass by in a blur, but they do create some lasting sexual images including a major squirt scene and a zombie honeymoon couple fucking in front of dudes in President masks. To say this is an odd trip would be grossly understating the fact.

Eventually the zombies pull Taija in and fuck her. It’s a four on one scene which was incredibly rare for the 80’s. It’s a one position bang with one guy fucking her from behind while another cums on her cheek. Not exactly a stroke fest of a gang bang, but an interesting climax nonetheless.

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