Re-Launched! 3.0 Is Officially Here


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Welcome dear readers to the very first post on the brand new I know that many of you were wondering if this day would ever come. I’ve been talking about a redesign for a very long time. Thanks to some incredible work by Jeff from and Natalie Dawn, we are finally ready to unveil 3.0. (Anyone still remember version 1.0 done completely by me using Front Page?)

I can’t thank them enough for the tireless work they have done to get this thing going. Huge thanks also to Steph and Drew at for all they have done over the last ten years.

You will notice a new look and plenty of new features on the site, but we are far from finished. As you check out the new site, please take note of any issues you have. We are polishing up a few things, adding new features, bringing on new writers and continuing to make this the very best review/news site on the web. As we work to get all of the bugs out, it is the loyal readers who will provide the guidance needed to make that happen.

There are a number of new features including user comments and social network links galore. I welcome comments, but let’s do our best to keep them constructive. I appreciate any social media interaction. If you like something, you can “like” it with Facebook. Want to let everyone know about a great new review for your favorite starlet, retweet. It’s all there and thanks to the awesome design team it will be quite easy.

The guest reviews and blogs will be more frequent. Look for them starting very soon. There will also be a return of the pornstar interviews. These will be in audio, text and quite often, video formats. Don’t worry, we keep the cameras on the ladies so you aren’t looking at my ugly mug. You will notice some new stores and new viewing methods attached to the reviews. Please feel free to suggest new stores that may not be listed. In coming weeks you will also see specific pages dedicated to top VOD sites, rental programs, toy sites, dating sites and others. And YES, the Awards will be back so look out for that.

All right, there it is, the site is officially launched. To celebrate let’s do a few things. First let’s blow up the social media feature. I would love to see as many “likes” and “retweets” as possible on this article. Second, the comment section is open. The people who worked hard to get this relaunch done could use some SERIOUS love so please think of them. Also whatever you have to say to me, about the site, the new site, the old site, go for it. We’ll make it the official guest book of the relaunch party. Finally, I want a gallery to go along with the relaunch. Consider this an invitation and request for any and all photos. If you are in the industry and want to say hi to the readers, break out your cameras. It doesn’t have to be hardcore. Hell, clothed is fine, but no one is going to complain if you want to show a little T&A. If you want to make a fan sign or write a cute little note on your body somewhere. All are welcome. That goes for non-industry folks as well. If you’re a reader and want to snap a shot, please do. If you have a cute wife or girlfriend, all the better. Send any photos to or send me a message on Twitter @RogerTPipe and let me know it’s for the gallery. Maybe we can have a contest to see who s the most popular photo submission for this initial gallery.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for new features or tweaks, please drop me a note at

Thank you so much dear readers for sticking with me through all of this. Thanks to the great team I have helping me, it is now up to me to make sure that I reward your loyalty with my very best. I shall strive to give you the best, most honest adult reviews on the web.

4 Responses to “Re-Launched! 3.0 Is Officially Here”

  1. Natalie Dawn says:

    First comment! Five points! :D

    I am so happy we finally finished getting to the beginning of this project :) Now the real fun begins…

  2. Big thank yous to, Natalie Dawn, the folks at and all of the readers for their support over the year. Thank you for your patience. Special thanks to my best friend. Without her support none of this would even be possible.

    Now the real work begins.

  3. Drew Black says:

    Congrats on the new site. It looks great!

  4. Den says:

    Great new design. Really nice. Your Web Site now matches your Status…..
    NUMBER 1!

    Keep up the great reviews and keeping us all informed about the newest Porn info.

    We love ya Rog!


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