The Rub PR Re-Launches Company Web Site


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The Rub PR Re-launches Company Website

(Los Angeles, CA) The Rub PR has re-launched their company website. highlights current and past clients and gives a brief
overview of services provided by the full-service agency. The weekly
blog will have updates from client events and happenings, along with
pieces to educate the industry–the first of those blogs is “PR 101: Why
You Need a Publicist & What They Do”. Future topics will include other
pertinent industry topics.

“I spend so much time on my clients, and it was time to put a little
time back into the company,” says *Erika Icon*, Owner and Publicist of
*The Rub PR*. “Ultimately, it all comes back to the clients and they
will get further press via blogs, photo galleries and posting of press
releases. I wanted something classy, easy to navigate and not too
flashy–and*Wordman’s* company definitely delivered.”

*Wordman* of *Xover R Studio Visual* designed the site. His production
house shoots photo and video, along with offering post-production and
high-end website design and print publishing. In addition to *The Rub
PR’s* site, he will also be rolling out sites for *Eve Batelle’s So Cals
Angels *and world-class bondage rigger *Sargent Major’s*
**. To inquire about his services, contact *Wordman*
via email at

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