Rep Weiner Says Rog Rules


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Rep Weiner Says Hi

There probably isn’t a person reading this who doesn’t already know the whole Weiner’s wiener story inside and out. There probably isn’t a single “wiener” joke that you haven’t heard at least a dozen times. For those reasons alone, I have steered clear of any comments or commentary on the Congressman’s (then alleged) photos, indiscretions and the obvious penis jokes.

This photograph changed everything though.

The story that wasn’t a story and shouldn’t have become one but still won’t die has finally made it into my “must comment” file. I was completely unaware that Rep. Weiner. all right, let’s get this out of the way right now. It had to be this right? He couldn’t get in trouble for taking bribes or DUI? It HAD to be for showing pictures of his junk? You can almost hear the sound of keyboards clicking as Porn Valley rushes to be the first to release “This Tain’t Rep Weiner’s Weiner XXX” or “The Official XXX Parody of Rep Weiner” or “Who’s Weiner is Palin Nailin?”

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to the photo. I had heard along with the rest of you that Rep. Weiner was fond of interacting with his constituents, but I had no idea that he was a fan of this site. Though he certainly has some impulse control issues and rather poor judgment, the congressman from New York is clearly a man of incredibly good taste. He knows where to go for his porn news and reviews. And judging by the picture there on his desk, he knows a thing or two about hot women as well. That’s none other than Paige Little in the picture. I wonder if Rep. Weiner caught Paige doing her video review of the Sasha Grey Hidden Pleasure Vibrator.

Normally I would write that a member of Congress should be more discreet in his flirtations and mention that Rep Weiner might want to exercise his inner freak in ways that aren’t so embarrassing to his family and his office. I might even mention that cyber affairs open one up to issues of underage girls, guy pretending to be girls and the risk of he press getting ahold of the pictures and making a mockery of you. (Too late.) I might also get into the fact that the whole thing has some freaky porn connection thanks to a moderator from XPT, a blogger and sketchy drama bullshit.

But how can I criticize a man who so obviously knows his porn? Rog Rules, so says Rep. Weiner. (Big thanks to Paige Little for the inspiration for this blog.)

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