Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 10


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30 Days of Music

I found this thing over on Facebook and thought it might be kind of interesting. (What is really amazing is just how easily you can find ANY song over on YouTube.) I hope you like some of the tunes and get a good laugh at what a musical geek I am.

30 Days of Music: Day 10 – A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

Day 10 – A song that makes you fall asleep

Rod Stewart: Sailing. Back in college I had a really cool neighbor. We kind of dated and fooled around and all that. She shared a one bedroom apartment with a roommate and had a mattress on the floor of the living room. I also shared a one bedroom with a roommate so we spent most of our nights at her place on that mattress. Every night we would put on her copy of Rod Stewart’s Greatest Hits. This song was at the end of side one of the cassette. We were both usually drifting off to sleep about this time and would sometimes wake up when the stupid thing clicked off. Ever since then this song has made me really sleepy whenever I hear it.

Since it was a nightly ritual I will spare you what I of think of when I hear “Hot Legs.”


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