Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 11


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30 Days of Music

I found this thing over on Facebook and thought it might be kind of interesting. (What is really amazing is just how easily you can find ANY song over on YouTube.) I hope you like some of the tunes and get a good laugh at what a musical geek I am.


30 Days of Music: Day 11 – A Song From Your Favorite Band

Day 11- A Song by Your Favorite Band

The Police: Invisible Sun. I first heard the Police in Jr. High and fell in love with their music almost instantly. This was at a time when most of my friends were transitioning from Van Halen to Motley Crue or still listening to Rick James and trying to figure out Prince. I found the Police to be fun to listen to, just rebellious enough and eventually quite deep. This track comes from my favorite Police album, Ghost in the Machine and is probably their most hauntingly political song. (Though I might argue that One World is the best and Driven to Tears is the most universally poignant.) The Police remain my favorite band to this day and though they are better known for two dozen other songs, “Invisible Sun” remains one of my favorites.

As always, please feel free to comment. What’s your favorite Police Song?


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