Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 12


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30 Days of Music

I found this thing over on Facebook and thought it might be kind of interesting. (What is really amazing is just how easily you can find ANY song over on YouTube.) I hope you like some of the tunes and get a good laugh at what a musical geek I am.


30 Days of Music: Day 12 – A Song From A Band You Hate

Day 12 – A song from a band you hate

Black Eyed Peas: Don’t Stop the Party. The only question here was which Autotune piece of monkey shit I was going to pick for this category. I already went over my deep loathing of the BEP in an earlier entry so I was hesitant to include a song by them here. I was going to go with Kesha or Pitbull or perhaps Kanye West (Monster is a mother fucking beast of a song that proves what happens when a lack of vision runs right into an misplaced god complex.) But since it specifically said “band” I chose another Peas piece of shit. You know, when every member of your “band” needs Auto-tune and half of them generally contribute only background “Yeah” or “Bam” then it’s a pretty good indication that you aren’t the next Beatles or even next Monkees.


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