Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 14


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30 Days of Music

I found this thing over on Facebook and thought it might be kind of interesting. (What is really amazing is just how easily you can find ANY song over on YouTube.) I hope you like some of the tunes and get a good laugh at what a musical geek I am.


30 Days of Music: Day 14- A Song No One Would Expect You to Love

Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love

Avril Lavgine Girlfriend: OK you might expect me to like it if you watch the video. Avril looks pretty sweet in that short skirt. But the song is just so fucking bubble gum with that faux bad girl thing that she keeps trying. I mean how punk are you when you’re song is basically a cheerleader stomp mixed up with lyrics like “She’s like so whatever, you could do so much better.” Don’t even get me started on the fact that she pretty much did the exact same song again and called it “Best Damn Thing.” This is the kind of song that I should probably hate and should NEVER sing for obvious reasons. But hey, it’s as infectious and staph and comes without the stinking bloody puss. Sorry, having flashbacks to the Black Eyed Peas song featured two days and it made me think of that. Dammit, now Girlfriend is stuck in my head for the day.


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