Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 30


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30 Days of Music

I found this thing over on Facebook and thought it might be kind of interesting. (What is really amazing is just how easily you can find ANY song over on YouTube.) I hope you like some of the tunes and get a good laugh at what a musical geek I am.


Day 30 – Your favorite song at this time last year

Day 30 – Your favorite song at this time last year

Eminem: Not Afraid. I realize (It’s not very subtle) that this is a song about drug abuse and recovery. I’ve never had to face those demons and with any luck I will never know exactly what he’s talking about. However, the song is universal enough to resonate with anyone who has had to battle back from anything. No matter what we face, we have to stand up and fight for the things that matter (“No more drama from now on I promise to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father”). He also sings of fighting against whatever might stop us. (“Fuck the world, feed it beans, it’s gassed up if it thinks it’s stopping me.) We all face troubles, we all fall and we all need help to get up and move forward. When I hear this song I feel like the only thing that can really stop us from making it is the fear of failure.


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