Takedown Piracy Names jessica drake Star of the Month

Takedown Piracy Announces Wicked PicturesContract Girl jessica drake as Star of the Month

Using Takedown Piracy’s Tip Page Automatically Enters
Fans in Chance to Win “jessica drake’s
Guide to Wicked Sex” Series on DVD!

October 10, 2011 — CHATSWORTH, Calif. —
Takedown Piracy (TDP) announces Wicked Pictures contract girl jessica drake as its Star of the Month. The recognition is part of Takedown Piracy’s efforts to raise awareness regarding copyright infringements. As October’s star, jessica drake will help TDP educate adult consumers on respecting copyright laws and how to report violators using the TDP tip page. During the month of October, anyone reporting the piracy of Wicked’s scenes to the tips page is automatically entered to win all 3 volumes in “jessica drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex.”

To report an infringement of jessica drake or Wicked Pictures’ content using Takedown Piracy’s tip page, visit http://takedownpiracy.com/tips/.

“I put my heart and soul into creating movies for Wicked Pictures – as both a director and a performer,” states jessica drake. “When we are victims of online piracy, not only does it hurt our bottom line, but I feel as if a part of my creativity is stolen as well. I am very impressed with the efforts of Takedown Piracy, and I invite you to join me in the fight against online theft to ensure you’ll see many more high budget movies from Wicked Pictures in the future.”

Takedown Piracy owner Nate Glass says, “jessica drake is as classy a woman as you’ll ever meet. It’s a pleasure to name her our October star and I welcome her assistance fighting piracy. As a respected spokeswoman for the adult industry, jessica perfectly articulates the necessity for producers and consumers to work together in order to keep the adult industry at a high level of quality.”

As a result of the tips page, millions of additional eyes provide Takedown Piracy with an army seeking out illegal downloads on torrent, tube and cyberlocker sites. Users are asked to report the copyright owner and a link to the infringement. Violations will be followed up on and removed. Those interested in what happens after they report a violation may learn more at http://takedownpiracy.com/2011/06/whathappens/.

To follow Takedown Piracy, jessica drake and Wicked Pictures on Twitter, visit www.Twitter.com/TakedownPiracy, www.Twitter.com/thejessicadrake and www.Twitter.com/WickedPictures.

Takedown Piracy actively tracks at least nine different ways content may be pirated, providing widespread coverage. Takedown Piracy’s army of servers offer protection in the following areas: Cyberlocker sites like Rapidshare, Torrent sites, Tube sites, Auctioned or unauthorized DVD resellers, Search Engines, Image Hosts, Blogs, Forums, Social Media.

To view a statistical breakdown of infringements removed by Takedown Piracy, visit http://takedownpiracy.com/stats/.

To better understand why to use Takedown Piracy’s unrivaled services, visit http://takedownpiracy.com/why-use-takedown-piracy/.

NOTE: Wicked has extended a special discount price to our readers so your membership to www.Wicked.com costs just $17.95 per month if you use the links on this page.


2 Responses to “Takedown Piracy Names jessica drake Star of the Month”

  1. Adult Toys says:

    Can anyone tell me the best place online to buy adult toys? I’m willing to pay money for it, but at a reasonable price – if anyone knows of any websites that offer inexpensive merchandise but is sells great quality. The most important thing that I’m interested in is the quality of the product. Any help would be great.

  2. Roger T. Pipe says:

    You might want to give AdultDVDEmpire.com a try for toys DVDs, VOD and more.

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