Extreme Comixxx Debuts “Super Heroine 3D” SFW Trailer Exclusively on BleedingCool.com

Extreme Comixxx Debuts “Super Heroine 3D” SFW Trailer Exclusively on BleedingCool.com

First Look at “Super Heroine 3D” Teases 3-Dimensions of Sexy

PORNTROPOLIS, Calif. — Extreme Comixxx has given comic book news and rumor site BleedingCool.com exclusive 1st release of their new SFW trailer for the eagerly anticipated “Super Heroine 3D.” Generating monster traffic from comic book and super hero aficionados around the world looking for the latest, greatest news about all their favorite heroes, heroines, stories and movies, BleedingCool.com ranks as the go to source for all things comic book related. That’s why Extreme Comixxx owner Jerry E. reached out.

“As a comic book fan, I know I head over to Bleeding Cool for the dirt,” said Jerry E. holding on to a pair of 3D glasses and the box cover. “So I wanted to reach out to them and see if they would be interested in having the trailer as an exclusive, because the new 3D technology is something we are proud of, and something we are looking into developing more in the future. It was a natural fit.”

To watch the 1st look exclusive 3d trailer for “Super heroine 3d” head to:

“Super Heroine 3D” is a POV style, 3D porno parody adventure, putting you into the scenes with your favorite super heroines. Lurk around the shadows of Porntropolis in scenes with Chanel Preston as Zatanna, Lizzy Borden as Cat Woman, Alexis Texas as Emma Frost and Lexi Belle as Supergirl. Shot in 3d, users can use traditional red/blue anaglyph glasses, which will have 2-pairs included in the box. A 2D version will also be released.

To view the official site for “Super Heroine 3D” head to:

To view the safe-for-work box cover visit: http://superheroine3d.com/SFW_box_superheroine3d.jpg

To view the official cast photos, visit

To view exclusive behind the scenes clips, visit

Extreme Comixxx is a division of Exquisite Films, the newest studio to launch under the XXX umbrella of Exquisite Multimedia, Inc, and an AVN Award Nominee for best new line, Best Studio Website, and a list of 27 other nominations including Best Parody, Drama and Comedy. The premium feature studio is charged with the task of creating comic book driven parodies and high-end, erotic drama lines. For over ten years, Exquisite Multimedia, Inc. has produced and distributed some of the hottest, kinkiest sex available to watch on DVD and other platforms. The launch of Exquisite Films is the corporation’s first foray into generating quality content geared towards capturing the interest of female consumers, in addition to its loyal male fan base.

About Exquisite Films:
As the high-end studio from Exquisite Multimedia, Inc., Exquisite Films produces some of the largest budgeted films released in adult entertainment. The emphasis on quality and aesthetics attracts female consumers and couples, in addition to male consumers Exquisite Multimedia has long satisfied. Strong, compelling stories compliment passionate, hot sex to create acclaimed movies in the parody and love story genres. Available on multiple platforms, including DVD, in-house VOD, mobile and broadcast, Exquisite Films’ movies are ideally positioned to compete in a market demanding the very best. For more information, visit www.ExquisiteFilmsXXX.com > , www.Facebook.com/ExquisiteFilms > or www.Twitter.com/ExquisiteFilms > .

About Extreme Comixxx:
Bent on world domination, Extreme Comixxx had the ingenious idea to combine the two biggest fantasy escapes ever, porn and comics. From a secret lair deep beneath the thriving metropolis of Los Angeles, Extreme Comixxx is the first studio entirely devoted to creating live action comics with today’s hottest XXX performers. Extreme Comixxx allows Wonder Woman to finally put her golden lasso to some good, kinky use, while the Avengers are able to show how super stamina is the greatest power of all. A division of Exquisite Films, Extreme Comixxx employs lavish budgets to produce high quality, action-packed adult movies for today’s discerning consumers. For more information, visit www.ExtremeComixxx.com > or www.Twitter.com/ExtremeComixxx > .


Exquisite Multimedia, Inc., Exquisite Films, BleedingCool.com, Super Heroine 3D, 3D glasses, Porntropolis, Extreme Comixxx, Sinister X, Lizzy Borden, Lexi Belle, Chanel Preston, Alexis Texas, Emma Frost, Catwoman, Zatanna, Supergirl, comic book, super hero, super heroine, cover, box art

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For sales information, please contact:
Sales – Exquisite Multimedia, Inc.
Jerry, Jerry@expxxx.com
Mayra, Mayra@expxxx.com
Danny, Danny@xxxjuicy.com

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