Tale of the Dancing Bear 6

Dancing Bear #6



237 Mins.

Company: Morally Corrupt


THEMES: Exhibitionism, CFNM, Blowjobs, Bachelorette


Year of Production: 2012


Reviewed by: Miller Huggins

If you’re into CFNM (clothed female, naked male) or exhibitionism and you haven’t seen the Dancing Bear phenomenon, you will poop your pants with excitement when you get this DVD in your sweaty little hands. Its a simple conceit – there are these giant bachelorette parties – or divorce parties, or birthday parties, or whatever kind of parties you can imagine that would result in a few dozen women being all on their own in a large club-style venue where male strippers can perform – and then male strippers come and perform. the women, who range from occasionally dumpy and fattish to occasionally very well-put-together and unspeakably hot but are mostly in the middle somewhere, are so overwhelmed by the bouncing and waggling of the hard cocks (and these strippers are not the kind who take their time with a long slow tease) that they cannot keep their hands to themselves, not that they are asked to. Most of the women do a little stroking, a little fondling, some disrobe a little, some do some sucking, and a few suck or fuck the strippers to completion.

This particular DVD appears to consist of two different shows, Suck and Fuck and Sea of Women, both of which titles are pretty accurate. One of the things I love about the Dancing Bear franchise is that at least once per set, you will spot – off in the distance in the crowd, a girl with, say, a particular shade of crazy pink hair, or one with some awesome cleavage busting out, or an especially dykey-looking girl, and the suspense about whether or not that girl will get in on the action, and the thrill when she does, is something you don’t run across in porn all that often. It doesn’t happen all the time – sometimes your girl doesn’t put out – but when it does, you feel a special sense of reward and vindication for having spotted her back before she was in the spotlight. The women in the first set are a good-looking bunch – some standouts are a sexy redhead in a bustier who takes a load to the face, an enthusiastic little klatsch of women in the back who get more than one return visit from the strippers, a tag-team Latina duo, and a pixieish brunette who appears from time to time in the main set and ends up taking a load on the face onstage.

The second set has the same strippers (all the Bear movies do, more or less) and takes place in a club that looks like it’s been decorated as either a seraglio or a mission by someone who hasn’t really spent any time in either. I’ve actually seen this one before, on the web, and I remember it well – there’s a busty slut near the beginning who hikes up her skirt and lets the stripper fuck her in a couple of different positions, taking a load on the face at the end, and a sexy little blonde who bends over one of the couches while her friends cheer her on. It’s a smaller party, but just as much fun as the first one.

I can’t say how much of this is staged; I am pretty sure that the women who go all the way are almost always paid professionals, but I don’t know if they’re the only ones or if they’re just the ones who get paid the most. It’s hard to see how you could turn a profit if you were paying fifty women per sixty minute scene (give or take a couple of minutes), but then I’m no professional pornographer, There may be a way. In any case, that’s what happens. You’ll see the same strippers over and over – there are a half-dozen or so, and each one does eight to twelve minutes, shoots on someone’s face, and retires to make way for the next guy. Once in a while, there are two strippers working the crowd at a time, but it’s usually one guy roaming the floor. There’s not much to choose from between the various Dancing Bear offerings; the quality is middling high and uniform; the only complaint one can muster about them is that sometimes, when the strippers are finishing up in or on one of the party guests, you have to sit through far more jacking off to produce a load than is necessary. Some editing would be welcome.

FEMALE LOOKS: Varies, but 5 to 10
EXTRAS: Photo Gallery
SEX: 9


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