U. S. Of A. Recognizes Kick Ass Pictures


U. S. of A. Recognizes Kick Ass Pictures

Name and Logo Now a Registered Trademark

Los Angeles, CA ” After the lengthy approval process, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has registered Kick Ass Pictures and its logo as a registered trademark. To be exact, Kick Ass is trademark #3,047,281.

“It feels great to be official,” said Kick Ass president Mark Kulkis. “There are a few other companies in the business, especially on the internet, that are using the name ‘Kick Ass.’ Obviously, we’re now going to go after all of them people and make sure they ceases and desist.

“Also,” Kulkis added. “One important note to anyone displaying the Kick Ass logo! Because it is now a registered trademark, it should always bear the small ® symbol next to it. We’ll be happy to provide the new version to anyone who wants it.”

Kick Ass Pictures is headquartered in downtown Los Angeles and is the only porn company in the world to guarantee all natural breasts, no condoms, and all-naked sex. The company can be found on the web at kickass.com.

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