I made the mistake of following Tod’s link to BuzzFlash’s stupid take on the terror cell arrest and I hate how correct I was. That someone I respect as much as I do Tod not only reads and believes this shallow, pom pom waving, bullshit is bad enough. But when he links to it like it’s news….it’s rather distasteful.
Essentially they are angry (they being Buzz and by association Tod) that the Administration (which they openly hate no matter what decisions they make, good or bad) was wrong to bust people BEFORE they actually had a stockpile of weapons or blew something up.
Look…take off your skirt and tight sweater for ONE FUCKING DAY will you? The fact is simple…this site and sadly my good friend Tod would have spun the story no matter how or when these dicks were busted. Do it now and they were “not a credible threat.” Do it when they have enough explosives to do the job and it would be “why did Bush wait SO long to get them. They could have blown up a school bus.” And God forbid these guys actually did kill the people they wanted to kill. Then it would “Why Mr. President. Why didn’t you stop them?”
No matter WHAT the news story is a site like this will take it, twist it (And sometimes as we saw today, fuck up SIMPLE facts) and spit out what they WANT the truth to be. The real truth is that nothing this Administration will ever do will be acceptable to these poli-cheers even when it is exactly what they want. (I know this to be true of Tod, we’ve discussed it. I will never understand that kind of ‘thinking’ when it comes to important issues. It’s fine for the sports bar. I have a great friend who will argue with you all night that Fisk’s ball was foul in game six. It’s funny in that case, but when people I respect fall into this bullshit it makes me wonder why good people spew so much FUCKING HATE. (That is ALL BuzzFlash is, a well funded hate machine that adds nothing to the debate.) We should save that sort of blind bullshit for our Laker/Celtic debates or our Hendrix/Clapton discussions. (Don’t even get me started on the Clash v Sex Pistols debate.)
Let’s stop pretending for a second that there was an OUNCE of critical thought in that story OR the bloody link. It is simply PR. A fucking monkey could write it and I think one did. It’s fiction folks. They tell you what they want you to think because they can’t be happy for one fucking second, even when things go well.
I expect it from some people, but when people I respect lead readers down that path it makes me sad. Critical thinking is good, but treating readers like sheeple isn’t something I suffer long in silence.
Open minded, thinking people can discuss and debate, but when you close off everything to this extreme…..that’s about as un-liberal as it gets.
It’s NOT NEWS…it’s pure spin and both sides do it. I just don’t get to slam the other side in this industry because here….it’s “think our way our ELSE.” Sorry guys, I’ll do my own thinking and methinks that BuzzFlash is Poli-Cheer bullshit at it’s worst.
And for those of you furiously typing angry replies to me…remember this….my anger is with all one-sided debates. I’m not a kool-aid drinker and have plenty of problems with this Administration. The difference is that I am willing to think, debate and be HAPPY when good things happen. No matter who is in charge….Holy SHIT….does that mean I’m the mature, sane one in this mess? Say it ain’t so.