Icon Brands and V Lubricants Provide Relief to Adult Movie Reviewers


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Icon Brands and V Lubricants Provide Relief to Adult Movie Reviewers

Van Nuys, CA – December 20, 2012

Icon Brands, itself a nominee in several novelty product categories this award season, has identified an unfilled need among the reviewers who are besieged with a year’s supply of the best adult movies and the enviable task of determining which ones are award winners.

In a letter to over thirty different reviewers, company Sales VP Joanie Lee wrote “For those judges who take matters into their own hands, Icon wants to help make the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. And since you are watching the very best movies of 2012, your personal lubricant should also be the best there is. We hope you’ll agree that V Lubricant rises to the occasion. Please accept our gift of awards-worthy V Lubricant. And the winner is… YOU!”

This thoughtful act belies Icon Brands’ confidence in the quality of its V Lubricant. After all, they sent it to the most critical group of men and women in the entire adult industry. Added Ms. Lee, “We sent them all a bottle of both our Silicone and our water-based V Lubricant because we believe the important work of judging the finest erotica should be fair and friction-free for all concerned.”

As stated in the closing line of the letter that accompanies the practical gift: “Happy Holidays from your friends at Icon Brands.”


Visit iconbrands.com for more information.

For more information about Icon Brands, visit the company B2B website: www.IconBrands.com
Follow Icon Brands on Twitter: @IconBrands and Facebook: www.Facebook.com/IconBrands
Joanie Lee, VP Sales: Joanie@IconBrands.com, (818) 582-4200
Press Inquiries: PR@IconBrands.com
Icon Brands, Inc., 14141 Covello Ave., Suite 3C, Van Nuys, California 91405, U.S.A.
Evil Angel, Falcon Studios, Raging Stallion, Eat/Play/Love and V Lubricants are all Registered Trademarks.


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