LATATA Advises Male Adult Actor Linked to Syphilis & Others with First Generation Contact to Abstain from Filming, Followed by Retest


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LATATA Advises Male Adult Actor Linked to Syphilis & Others with First Generation Contact to Abstain from Filming, Followed by Retest

Syphilis Results Inconclusive After 4 Tests from 2 Facilities

STUDIO CITY, CA – In the wake of reports on a syphilis outbreak in the adult entertainment industry, the male porn star Clover and the Licensed Adult Talent Agency Trade Association (LATATA) are in communication to prevent any possible spread. The Syphilis test results, which the male actor obtained from four tests administered by two different testing facilities, are inconclusive.

One of the testing facilities, Talent Testing Services, has recommended the actor wait one week and the same battery of three tests for Syphilis be repeated. This advice will be followed and adhered to by Clover.

LATATA is advising an abstinence from filming for at least one week, followed by retesting for Clover and all of the other actors who were informed of their first generational contact with him between his last negative test and the tests delivering uncertain results. To date, LATATA believes it has contacted all affected actors, male and female, except for two female actors, who worked with the male actor between his last clean test and his now inconclusive test.

The studio that employed the two female actors to work with the male actor has not released contact information. They are believed to be ‘independent’ and without any agency representation. LATATA is unaware if the studio that employed the two female actors has informed them directly of their possible exposure. The contact information for the two remaining performers has yet to be released to the association, that LATATA may themselves do so.

Clover states, “On August 3, I received an inconclusive test result for Syphilis. I immediately contacted my agent, Kevin O’Neil with Type 9 Models, who in turn contacted his fellow agents with LATATA. Together with Kevin, I produced a list of everyone I worked with since my previous clean test.”

LATATA immediately began contacting the list of performers Clover provided.

“Following the advice of LATATA, I went to a different testing facility on August 5 and took the same test again, as well as two additional types of tests, all for Syphilis,” explains Clover. The results were returned to Clover from Talent Testing Services on August 6 and were once again inconclusive. Within thirty seconds, Clover phoned O’Neil with the news, and LATATA took action, advising the actor to wait one week before repeating the tests.

“I thought it was of the utmost importance to act as fast as possible by contacting my agent,” adds Clover. “This way all involved could begin acting accordingly. I respect the adult industry and believe it is important for everyone to work together to create the safest environment possible.”

“Communication is the key when confronting a situation like this,” states LATATA member Derek Hay from LA Direct Models. “The adult industry has procedures in place to protect its performers, which when adhered to, lead to an effective means of limiting risk.”

“On behalf of LATATA and all agencies, Clover is to be commended for his immediate, thorough and transparent response to the possible threat of Syphilis,” adds Hay. “He put the safety of the performers of the industry first, as we all should, and he continues to do so.”

For more information about LATATA, visit

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