Are You Ready for Some Football? Combines Live Action Betting and Half Naked Chicks


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Are You Ready for Some Football? Combines Live Action Betting and Half Naked Chicks

Just in time for professional football to start, one of the most innovative sites launches on the web – Combining all the elements men want when watching the games, Strip Sports Betting answers the call from the highly influential millennial male demographic

Los Angeles, CA – The pro football regular season commences September 5, 2013, and [], has everything fans want to enhance their sports viewing experience including beautiful models who engage in a sexy play on strip poker.

Viewers can watch the action live on Ustream, YouTube, and on during all Sunday Night and Monday Night Football games. The models will be betting on plays, points and who will win the game. As each play is completed, one of the ladies will discard an article of clothing. By the end of the game, viewers can expect the women to be down to their skimpy lingerie.

During that opening weekend of football season, Strip Sports Betting will feature big-name adult industry stars, including Alexis Texas, Valerie White, Jacky Joy, Vyxen Steel, and Sofia Delgado. So users can “meet the girls” prior to game time, the site features bios, photo and video galleries and the models’ Twitter handles.

Site users also have the opportunity to sign up and make the same bets that the girls are making, via’s exciting Live Betting interface.

According to Chris Neismeth, Director of Marketing for Strip Sports Betting, “the website has been perfectly optimized for the mobile experience,” adding that users will be able to use their “mobile phones or tablets to watch Strip Sports Betting, while also watching the game.”

For up-to-date info on Strip Sports Betting, follow us on Twitter, @stripsportsbet or Facebook at StripSportsBetting

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