Rog Blog: August 20th


Rog Blog: August 20th
Mainstream Movies, Aurora Snow & Care Package Update
So this is why you don’t write headlines before you finish an entry. Yesterday I mentioned mainstream movies and Aurora Snow in the headline and then took off before talking about them. I’ll fix that today.
Eye Candy Link #1: How many of you guessed the Asian hottie in yesterday’s link? How many of you cheated? How about a little Pornstar Gallery for today?
Just when I think I’ve heard the worst fucking song ever, the Black Eyed Peas release something new. OK, so “London Bridge” is a Fergie project and not an official BEP turd, but it still sucks. Sucks doesn’t even begin to cover how freaking bad it is. Did I miss something? Are these people writing songs for Sesame Street? They make boy bands seem like lyrical geniuses by comparison. Please, please, just go away Fergie.
Remember when I said that Jenna Haze Darkside was the movie of the year so far? I took a lot of heat for that on a few boards, but we’re now into July and I still stand by that statement. Having said that, I have to admit that Darkko’s My Girlfriend’s Whore Friend. is pretty damn close. It’s a great flick that everyone should see. Hot chicks from start to finish and some of the best three-way sex I’ve seen in a long while.
Mainstream Movies: Last weekend Mrs. Rog and I raided the video store for three straight days and did some catching up on movies we haven’t seen. Overall it was a disappointing few days. We went through the light comedy shelf first. Here is something I learned and maybe it can help you out. Don’t rent a movie with Sarah Jessica Parker in it. “Failure to Launch” and “Family Stone” both really, really sucked. Failure was one of those flicks that is so bad and so short on script that they had to throw in silly animal attacks to stretch. Bad, bad flick. Stone was perhaps worse because it was horribly written. None of the characters rings true at all. They seem more like excuses for dialog than actual people. Avoid these two stinkers. Oh and when did Sarah Jessica Parker turn 60? Damn she is looking haggard these days. Jennifer Anniston’s “Rumor Has It” wasn’t much better. This is what happens when you have a two minute concept and a big cast. All of the movies are classics though compared to the worst comedy of the weekend. Why I wasted a buck and a half on “Date Movie” is beyond me. This thing wasn’t even accidentally funny. It made me long for “Scary Movie 2” that’s how fucking dreadful it was. The horror movies weren’t much better. “Silent Hill” was too weird for its own good. “Hills Have Eyes” was just an exercise in brutality that lacked the flare that “Devil’s Rejects” gives the genre. “Wolf Creek” was all right, but after nearly two hours, they flash five seconds of text across the screen that is more interesting than the rest of the movie put together. It’s based on a true story and they never found any evidence of the crime the lone survivor says occurred? What the fuck. THERE is your fucking story. I was rather disappointed with “Transamerica” though it was worth a rental. Everyone raved about “The Aristocrats” but I never made it through. It was interesting for fifteen minutes, then I got bored. I tried to finish it the next day and had the same problem. Fifteen minutes in I just got bored. I don’t know if I want to sit through ninety minutes of the same joke just to hear people be as filthy as possible. That’s something my friends and I would have done when we were in Jr. high. So the best movie of the weekend was….drum roll please….”Derailed” with Jennifer Aniston. It wasn’t a great film, but it was interesting, had some nice twists and in a very weak field was easily the movie most worth the buck-fifty we pay for DVD rentals.
Eye Candy Link #2: Now it’s time for a little Teen Gallery for your enjoyment.
Aurora Snow Update: I finally talked with Aurora this week. She’s been very busy and working very hard. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is very happy to hear that news. In addition to working hard in front of the camera, Aurora is dancing and working on some major changes to her web site,
While I am certain that XYZ (I don’t need to go there and see, I already read the mindlessly regurgitated headlines when I went to Wes Craven’s web site.) and other Bush hating Poli-cheers are happily creaming in their jeans, I want to thank Judge Anna Taylor for making the world much, much safer…for fucking terrorists. Maybe I’m nuts, but when it comes to erring on the side of caution, I’m going to go with the side trying to stop people from blowing up planes, bring down buildings and generally fuck with the things I hold dear. (Including freedom by the way.) When everyone who thinks this is good for use regular folks just because it goes against the President is through slapping themselves on the back, try to figure out who this really helps. Remember folks, love Bush or hate him, the people we’re fighting are even less fond of porn than that people that guy from AVN so laughably calls “theocrats.” Thank you Judge Taylor. I’ll be sure to send you a lovely bouquet of flowers when the first terror cell slips through our fingers while President Clinton or Dean or whoever is busy getting a warrant. By the way, for those furiously typing away to bash me, don’t bother. I’m not even sure how I feel about the wire tapping at this point. What I hate is the blind poli-cheer attitude that says, “If X is for it, then I MUST be against it.” It’s that kind of mindless marching that is going to make sure that none of us are safe. (It is also why you don’t see me using lame-ass headline generators to fill this site. I do my own lame ass thinking, thank you very much.) Speaking of lame-ass, did I mention how much Date Movie sucked and how badly I want to shoot someone every time I hear “London Bridge”?
Tomorrow I’ll update everyone on the guest bloggers for my vacation and talk more about that care package. Before I go, I want to leave you with this bit of dialog from a box set I watched this week. Anyone who identifies it gets a Rog Point. (One of these days I am going to set that up and award prizes.

Assistant: Who’s This?
Boss: She’s my prostitute.
Assistant: She’s your whore?
Boss: No. She’s my prostitute. You’re my whore.

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