Rog Blog: Sept 10


Rog Blog: September 10

Are you ready for some football?

It’s that time of year again folks. Football is here. That means 17 weeks of Sundays in the chair with the big screen cranked up, the Sunday Ticket on all day and a whole lot of cold beverages. Game one is already down and it promises to be a very interesting year. I’m especially curious to see how the super rookies Bush and Young do. I’ll bet you a beer that they make it exciting.

Eye Candy #1: Here’s a cuteie named Sydney Moon. Check her out.

As most of you already know, Jon Dough took his own life last month. I met Jon on a number of occasions and in July of 2000 I Interviewed Jon. That interview came at a tough time in his career, but he was in good spirits. Though Jon had his ups and down and certainly must have been battling with demons, I always knew him to be a funny, friendly person. He leaves behind a wife and a young daughter. Jon’s close friend Randy Spears has set up a Memorial on with information on how you can contribute (should you feel inclined to do so) to an education fund for the couple’s daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Eye Candy #2: Just a little White Teens Black Cock action for your viewing pleasure.

Newsflash: Latinas are HOT and Phil Angelides is NOT: I couldn’t help but laugh when the “news” story about the Governor ran through its big 48 hour cycle. What I find even more amusing the way poor Mr. Angelides and his spin machine have been running with the non-story. Nothing does more to prove to the voters that a candidate has nothing going for him then to see something like this. It’s almost sad that someone can be the Democratic nominee for Governor of California and has so little to campaign on. Almost as sad as anyone associated with this industry feigning outrage over a comment like this. Look lemmings, unless you’re going to dedicate time and web space to bashing adult titles like “Border Hoppers” then you can’t get your panties in a bunch over how “hot” Latinas are. I hate this kind of phony poli-cheer bullshit. Arnold apologized, the woman he was speaking of says she isn’t bothered by the comment and the simple fact that is killing you is this. Phil Angelides is a worthless political weenie with nothing to offer the voters of this state. He has served us the usual plate of business-crushing taxes (Anyone to the math on what Phil’s new taxes will cost Vivid? Or AVN?) drivers licenses for illegal immigrants and…..oh yeah, moral outrage over petty bullshit like this. Somehow Phil makes me long for the good old days when Gray Davis gave us these same ideas with just at tad more charisma. (Is it me or does Phil look like that crazy infomercial guy selling books on how to get money from the government? Maybe Phil should break out the question mark suit to bring up his numbers.)

Eye Candy #3: Phil may lack charisma, but Catalina Cruz certainly doesn’t.

I was going to write about a piece on, but I’m too wiped out to do much more than peck out a quick overview. I can’t believe that in a piece where he was trying to defend the charges that AVN (and MK in particular) are anti-religious and specifically anti-Christian that he went off on a rant about the 2000 election. (Mark, that’s been put to bed. Even Michael Moore and the New York Times have had to give up that fight.) It’s impossible for Mark to say that his writing is anything other than anti-Christian. It is and he should just deal with that. Most people who read the site or read mine for that matter have serious issues with some Christians and other people of faith who attempt to criminalize pornography. (Last time I checked, Islam was not big on what we do for a living.) No one can blame us for that. These people want to put us out of business and in some cases, throw us in jail. That smacks of intolerance, but it works both ways. I had a long talk about politics and religion with Tom Zupko who is at least open to hearing opposing views. (Not something that most in this industry are real big on.) I have no problem with people who oppose pornography for whatever reason. If they find it spiritually unhealthy, fine. If they find that it objectifies women, fine. If they want to keep it out of the hands of their children, GOOD. I support their right to control what they watch. Where my support of them stops is at my front door. When someone wants to control what other people can do, that’s where I object. It’s an issue where logical people can disagree. There are some, Christians and otherwise, who disagree and would call us all “perverts” and claim that we are a danger to society. Obviously I disagree. I’m a tax paying American who takes care of his family, donates money to charity, helps his fellow man when possible and even recycles. On the other hand, I don’t think that all Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists or Radical Feminist Atheists are all horrible, small-minded and stupid. If one reads articles by MK, TH and others then one sees plenty of this sort of hate-think. When a writer paints all people of faith as hateful and small minded then the writer is practicing bigotry, period. Not everyone who opposes porn is a “theocrat” and not everyone who believes in something bigger than themselves is as evil as they seems to think they are. And, shock, not everyone who thinks differently than you is less intelligent simply by virtual of their different view of an issue. Sorry guys, I’m just not a fan of intolerant hate speech no matter which side of an issue it comes from.

Thoughts? Comments? You know where to send them. It’s time for some Sunday Ticket.

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