Rog Podcasts: 2014 AVN Awards Voting: Part Four
Part four of the 2014 AVN Awards podcast focuses on some feedback and questions from readers and fellow critics. After that, we take a look at the best directing jobs of 2013. Features, Non-Features, Parodies in both domestic and foreign categories are discussed.
For the third year in a row, I am going to do a series of podcasts dedicated to the 2014 AVN Awards, the nominees and the voting process. The clips will be here for you to enjoy. Please feel free to comment below or drop me an email with any questions or topics or thoughts send to or @RogerTPipe on Twitter.
As a voter for the past several AVN Awards, I have been lucky enough to take part in this huge event. The podcasts will cover the process as well as break down several of the categories. They will highlight some of my favorites and discuss some interesting choices and the “can’t miss†titles/performers from the past year.
I hope you enjoy these. As always, your feedback is very welcome. Let me know what you think of the podcasts, the categories, the voting, tell me I am wrong or just tell me how fucking great this whole thing is.
2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Four: Reader Feedback and Best Director categories.
2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Three: Best BDSM Release, Best Comedy, Best Big Bust and Best Big Butt movies.
2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Two: Anal Categories and Amateur Porn.
2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part One: Overview, All Girl Performer of the Year, BBW
Here is the complete series of 2013 AVN Awards voting podcasts:
Part Nine: Best Star Showcase, Best Supporting Actress, Transsexual Categories & Clever Title of the Year, etc.
Part Eight: Best Marketing, Best Parody Comedy, Best Parody Drama, etc.
Part Seven: Best Oral, Best Older Woman/Younger Girl & Best Non Sex Performance, etc.
Part Six: Best Interracial, Best Music Sountrack, etc.
Part Five: Best Ethnic Lines, Strap-On, Foot Fetish and Best Gonzo, etc.
Part Four: A bit of feedback from HoustonDon and Julie Simone, best director categories , etc.
Part Three: Best Comedy, Best Big Butt, Best Boob, Best Art Direction, etc.
Part Two: Best Anal Series, etc.
Part One: Overview of the voting process, Best Actor, Best Actress etc.
Here is the complete series of 2012 AVN Awards voting podcasts:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:
Part Seven:
Part Eight:
I’m definitely a “tinkerer” when it comes to the rank ordering system, especially as certain key titles come in that showcase performers.
I actually do keep virtually everything I review, sometimes sending out a title to a peer so another set of eyes can check it out or as a favor. This does create storage issues because my mainstream and porn collections total around 20,000 movies/tv series, etc. (more porn than mainstream these days); so yes, a lot of my home is geared to storing them (my vaulted ceiling game room has 12′ shelves across the entire wall and my gym has shelves lining the walls too but I’m always reconsidering how to improve storage. For me, keeping titles I’ve reviewed is akin to having a resource library when issues or questions pop up.
Regarding voting, specific projects get votes pertaining only to those but more generalized categories open things up more. An acting award is just for acting but a performer award extends further (for me) to include the entirety of their porn persona (at least when I need a tie breaker). Performer of the year, like director of the year, are body of work awards; pitting the genius that makes one great flick against the journeyman director who makes 25 really good movies will always result in my giving the nod to the larger body of work, leaving the one shot awards in the title specific categories for the genius. Good point on being easier on performers since they tend to lack control over who they are paired with, the extent of how expressive they are sexually, but every year we hear “how could X be nominated since she didn’t do anal, IR, DPs, etc” while others who do it all might do so in a lackluster manner.
Underworld: I adored it and said so all over the place, competing against such a mammoth blockbuster with a low budget, single day cheapy is wildly unfair but Wicked puts its money where it needs to be and Armstrong has proven time and again to be one of the best directors in feature porn, bar none. If some of the other candidate directors had as much financial and artistic freedom, they might give him a better run for the money more often but it’d still be an uphill battle (because even on his lower budget movies, he really shines most of the time).
On Grease XXX vs. Not Wizard of Oz XXX, it might kill Will Ryder to hear this but I agree with you that Grease was better (and I adored Clerks XXX too). Ryder had a really strong year, especially in his musical efforts on parodies, much more consistent than others who I liked in the genre. On Daddy’s Girls, I hated the tacked on ending and the “let’s throw everything but the kitchen sink into the mix to be declared edgy” attitude but I’m a longtime fan of Skow’s works and thought several of his other titles were superior.
Question of the day: Are there categories or awards you know going into the process that you are not going to bother with, either for time considerations, lack of interest, or whatever else? I skip the web related stuff for the most part since I feel I’d need a lot more exposure to it all year round to make a credible rank order and I skip the toy stuff because even though I’ve reviewed a lot of toys, these companies do not ship us items to test. I skip the retailers since I really only stick with a couple of them and I skip categories where I haven’t seen at least half the nominations at the starting point (I watch around a 1000/year and a lot during the voting period but there are limits to human endurance). If I have enough time, I will try to include categories outside my comfort zone but it’s too much to expect we hit them all.
As to the Grease XXX vs. Not Wizard of Oz XXX debate, I felt that the songs from Grease were much more memorable than the very fun, creative and yet still very good Wizard of Oz ones. Even though “What’s Wrong With Me” sung by Dorothy is an emotional song and “I Wonder What is Happening” sung by the cast, but mostly by the Cowardly Lion as the lead vocal is fun and memorable, the songs like “Summer Lust,” Beauty School Slut,” “Blowjob Queen,” and the Grease XXX theme continued to permeate in my mind for days. I was surprised that none of the Grease songs were nominated for Best Original Song.