Rog Blog: 11/15


Rog Blog 11/14
Britney Sex Tape, Sad Good Byes & Football
Private Sale: 30% of at Adult DVD Empire

Britney Does XXX: How long have we been waiting to hear those words? The world’s favorite former jailbait pop princess turned trailer park MILF may or may not have done the nasty on video. With her divorce from K-Fed (Dubbed Fed Ex a week ago by Reader Dave) getting ugly, Brit is covered by a pretty solid Pre-Nup. In response, the spouse of week has allegedly reminded his lovely wife about a tape of the couple doing the nasty for four hours. I’m torn by this because I am fundamentally opposed to blackmail and no talent ass-bags. On the other hand, we’re talking about a Britney Spears sex tape here. Rumors are floating around that the tape could be worth as much as 200 million bucks. I don’t know how much of that Fed-Ex will see, even if he only gets 10%, then he has to be most brilliant guy in the world. We shouldn’t be shocked though. Come on, if you were actually banging Britney Spears wouldn’t you be rolling tape on that? Of course you would. A guy would have to be nuts not to have a whole shelf of tapes. So it seems that Britney either has to give in to his demands or run the risk of perverts like me plunking down forty bucks to see her in the buff. Again, hand it Special K-Fed because while I will drop down two (or even five) Andrew Jackson’s for Britney sucking cock, I’m not about to throw even two Abe Lincoln’s to hear him rap. Now we just have to wait and see which of Brit’s songs they blend into the title. “Hit It Baby One More Time” or “Ooops He Did it In My Eye.”
Eye Candy: Presents Hanna Hilton for our viewing pleasure.
Sad Good Byes: The past week brought about the passing of two legends. Long time newsman Ed Bradley and tough guy turned lovable tough guy/Oscar winner Jack Palance. Like most people my age, I remember Bradley for his compelling interview with Timothy McVeigh and Palance for his hilarious portrayal of Curly the gruff trail boss in City Slickers. (Though I always loved his performance in Young Guns.) Both men will be missed. Here’s a big hats-off to Ed and Jack, two of the good ones.
Eye Candy: Still more hotness from Amy Reid this time.
Football: I spent another weekend enjoying football on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was USC’s homecoming game so we had our annual BBQ on campus. It’s a really good thing we only do it once a year because I ate way too freaking much again. Thanks to J’s awesome burgers, enough chips to feed a small country, hot dogs, a few pieces of the best chocolate cake ever and of course, beeeeeeer, I nearly had to be rolled around campus after lunch. Thanks to J’s yearly collection of tunes, we had plenty of great background sounds. Oh yeah and the game? USC passed the first of four big tests, but kicking the crap out of Oregon. It was kind of an ugly game starting with the 15 minute delay while a call was reviewed, re-reviewed and overturned. (I should do that with some movies.) One down and three to go for the Trojans. It is going to get much tougher, but at least they now control their own destiny again. Never would have thought that. After the long day at SC on Saturday, I worked Sunday and only watched one game from start to finish. That Charger/Bengal game was incredible. I haven’t seen an outburst of offense like that since the old Fouts to Winslow days. As I watched I was struck by something painfully obvious. Dan Dierdorf is a frigging moron. Throughout the first half, it was the “Bengals destroying the Chargers” which of course the 28-7 score clearly indicated. Then in the second half it was the “Bengals giving it to the Chargers” which I guess explains the 42-13 second half. It was like listening to a homer broadcast the game. Does big Dan have money on the Bengals or did he just have Carson Palmer on his fantasy football team? Dude was sucking so much dick that I thought I was listening to a Laker broadcast. (Hey guys, how does Kobe’s load taste this year?)
In case you missed it, this is worth mentioning again.

Ivan the Free Agent: I hear that Ivan is not longer directing for Extreme/Evolution and is available to shoot for other companies. In addition to be a very cool guy and a good friend, Ivan is responsible for some of the most interesting porn flicks I’ve seen in the past few years. Two of his best are Texas’ Asshole Massacre and my personal favorite Dawn of the Head. He’s also shot some really good all-sex flicks, but excels when he gets the chance to be a little creative. If you haven’t seen his work, pick it up. And if anyone is looking for a great director to shoot a project, look him up. The world needs more Slut-O-Rama movies.
Eye Candy: Looks like Brooke Sky had Quite a Vacation.

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