Rog Blog: Weekend Stuff


Rog Blog: Pre-Weekend Edition

Remembering DJ, following up on Dixie Supremes & Why All is Right With the World

All Is Right With the World The blog yesterday got side-tracked onto some unpleasant stuff. That’s bad because I have to say that all is right with my world. No, I haven’t finally kicked this killer bout of the flu or whatever I have. I’m still sick. No, I didn’t finally collect on that Jesse Jane blowjob. (Still waiting) No, I didn’t even win the lottery, though I feel like I did. I won’t go into the long back story today, but let’s sum it up by saying that I have two tickets to see The Police at Dodger Stadium in June. Big thanks to my mom for catching the pre-sale announcement for Best Buy Rewards customers. (I knew that would pay off.) I’ve got a pair of seats down on the floor, towards the left side of the stage. Long story here folks, but the Police were a huge part of my life growing up and I was denied the chance to see them live. Until now. Thanks to a reunion tour, pre-sale at Best Buy and a conversation I had with my mom two weeks ago. Sometimes things really do fall into place and all can be right with the world.

Eye Candy: I went looking for a cop themed gallery and ended up with Sweet Amy Lee dressed up as a certain fairy tail princess. Should I be disturbed that I find this one totally hot?

Remembering DJ While one part of my childhood is coming together, another was lost yesterday. Former Celtic, Sun and Sonic Dennis Johnson passed away at 52. Not all of you share my passion for the NBA and even fewer of you lived and died with the 80’s Celtic teams like I did. That doesn’t mean you should let his passing slide by. DJ was an amazing player who always seemed to make the big play when it mattered the most. He played basketball the way it was meant to be played. He played hard, missed fewer than 50 games over a 14 year career, won three titles, a Finals MVP award yet somehow died before getting the call from the Hall of Fame. Rather than go on too long, I’ll send you over this really well-written piece over on ESPN. I absolutely LOVE this line. ” I am sad, and he’s a guy who meant an inordinate amount to me during a time when sports probably meant a little too much. Maybe I wasn’t part of his life, but he was a huge part of mine. I couldn’t agree more. Prayers for DJ’s family and loved ones.

Eye Candy: Some like it hot and the guys at I Want Latina seem to think that it’s hotter south of the border.

SCUS Follow-Up: I expected there to be some confusion over the whole tobacco lawsuit part of the post earlier. Let me clarify a few things. First the obvious. I’m NOT a smoker. I don’t like cigarettes even a little bit. Smoking is not allowed in my home, in my car and I will actively avoid situations where smoking goes on. I have never had a cigarette in my life and I can safely say that I never, ever will. I have no desire to smoke and am not a particularly big fan of tobacco companies. I am however, a big fan of individual liberty and the right to do things that are bad for us no matter what the SPS people think. My main point may have been missed. The decision had more to do with punitive damages and jury instructions than tobacco. The jury in the case was not properly instructed that punitive damages are awarded to the Plaintiff on behalf of the Plaintiff only and not on behalf of society as a whole. It is a bad precedent to allow juries to rape companies (Whether we like them or hate them) just because of a perceived crime against society. Remember folks, this is the same thinking that would leave the door open for people to sue McDonald’s because people get fat or to for people to sue Vivid because someone did something bad after watching a porn flick. I’m not OK with this kind of punitive punishment. Some people are. That’s fine. You just have to be willing to accept that the same treatment be given to alcohol companies, food companies, drug companies and porn companies. That is why I said that the decision was a victory for individual liberty. Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion.

Eye Candy: Oh man, this site looks like fun. Got a cheating girlfriend or wife, Vegified will take care of her. I hope that site is as funny as it looks.

New Gallery: I threw up a new gallery this week. This time it’s Rog Rules with a twist. Before there were Rog Rules T shirts, Kellyfire and Layla Jade made up signs and posed with them. So this is the Rog Rules Sign Gallery. I started out with some auto generated shots promoting other web sites, but will add the original sign shots and hopefully get more. I invite everyone to make up their own sign. Pose with it, hand it to a stranger, give it to your pet, whatever. Let’s see what you guys come up with.

Eye Candy: Diabolic has a new web site and here is a Video Gallery of some of the action.

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