Rog Blog: Short Monday Morning Entry, Deep Throat Queens


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More Deep Throat Queens

Reader Email: Top Deep Throat: This topic is starting to pick up a bit of momentum and I’m happy to add to this list. For those of you who just tuned in, in my review of Take it Black 5 I marveled (Fawned really) about Mika Tan’s awesome oral skills. At that time I wondered aloud if she is perhaps the best DT artist in the biz today. A little while later I saw Annette Schwarz in Anal POV 4. Since that time we have kind of an open dialog going about who the best deep suckers in porn is. Thanks to a great emailer, we have to add another name to the list.

James Writes

Roger,I always liked Nikita Denise. I realize I haven't seen her since last year, but she was special.


Rog Replies: GREAT example of a fantastic deep throat artist. I’m not sure if Nikita is officially still active. Like you, I haven’t seen much from her recently. Oh man, she was great though. With that smoky voice, accent and the way she took it deep. We need an update. Does anyone know what Nikita is doing these days? We’re putting together a really good deep throat team with Mika, Annette, Nikita and Belladonna. Anyone else have other names to add to the list? Any performers out there want to come over and demonstrate your skills? Got to earn your way onto the list.

Eye Candy: Speaking of Nikita, how about some Hot Video Clips of her in action.

New Super Heroine Video Review: Those of you who love the costumed heroine videos won’t want to miss my new review of Steve Steele’s Sexed Up Superheroines 4. This time Dr. Steele get his hands and other body parts on the beautiful Paulina James. I’ve got volume five here ready to go. It stars the always sexy Daisy Marie. Still looking to see Aurora Snow in a Catwoman suit (Right Savana?) or Mika Tan and Gianna in a Batgirl takes on Wonder Woman parody, but we may be waiting a while for that.

Eye Candy: Since Mika made our deep throat list, let’s examine her incredible oral skill in this hot photo gallery. Hey Mika, does it feel as good as it looks?

Fantasy Baseball: All right, it’s getting to be that time. I had my first draft last night. 12 team Roto league. I’ll probably suck, but it is always fun to get the first draft out of the way. Our two leagues are filling up slowly. The H2H League has 1 opening and probably will have a second. Bryan Xin was a little iffy on playing so if two people step up and want to play, he’ll step down. (Or co-own the team which could be cool.) Are there no female porn performers who even want to try to embarrass the guys? The Roto League still has 6 openings, so step on up folks. Send me an email with “Fantasy Baseball” in the title and we’ll get you in. For those of you who are curious. Here are our league settings pages.

H2H League Settings 2 Slots Left!

Roto League Settings 4 Slots Left!

Eye Candy: Our final member of the deep throat dream team, in an early gallery with Nacho. Ain’t love grand?

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