Blog: Guest Blogger Recap and Thank You Part 2


Blog 8/26

Guest Blog Recap & Thank You Part 2

Thursday 8/16: Gina Lynn: Gina did double duty on Thurday, blogging and filling in for me on the Daily Noise Show. She covered all of the things she’s up to, including her new racing team, her production company, her busy dance schedule and of course, the movies she’s been doing. It was a nice long blog and from what I understand, she was great on the air. It was a travel day for Gina so I want to thank her for being so generous with her time. Great job Gina and a big thank you to my dear from April Storm for making it happen.

Eye Candy: With her schedule so busy, Gina has to show off her Big Boobs at Work. That’s what I call a nice benefits package.

Friday 8/17: HandHeld Pictures/Celeste: We can all take a few moments to mock Robby D for not sending anything. On the other hand we did hear from Celeste and that’s always a good thing. She wrote a wonderfully funny piece on cocks. That’s right folks. Celeste apparently still loves cocks and wrote about more kinds than you could shake a stick at. She never did list which kind of cock Robby prefers, but no one wants to picture that anyway. Thank you HandHeld and thank you Celeste.

Eye Candy: Enjoy some shots of wild girls on stage flashing their tits.

Saturday 8/18: Monstar & IAFD Jeff: Something must have happened to all of Monstar’s girls because not a one of them wrote in. We’ll have to leave the door open for them to write future blogs, but only if they can come up with some good eye candy to go along with them. Jeff on the other hand wrote in with another classic tale of our imaginary shared past. (Read it Here) Just be read to laugh your ass off. Thanks Jeff and thanks to the for all everything.

Eye Candy: Some girls just can’t wait. So we get a hot chick sucking dick in the club. That’s worth the cover charge for sure.

Sunday 8/26 Den from My dear friend and the King of internet porn reviewers, Den from did a number of entries to finish off the final weekend. He recapped the previous blogs for us. He also posted a really flattering entry about me. My friend you are far too kind. I especially liked Den’s post on DVD bonus material. He’s a big proponent of the extras on discs and his piece is outstanding. His final piece was about a mystery movie that arrived at his house. It was a little POV with Aurora Snow and he still isn’t sure who shot it or why he got it. Hey, if I’m going to shoot secret scenes, I might as well have them reviewed by the best in the business, right?

Eye Candy: It has been a while since we’ve checked in with Kat Young. Enjoy her here looking cute and getting naughty in a video gallery.

Monday 8/27 Cindi Loftus: Last year Cindy invited the world of alt-porn into our corner of the world and the result was pretty funny. This year she stayed away from the pretentious, bi-curious art school drop outs and went straight for the love and sex angle. It’s a great piece (Read it Here) that outlines a new book project she is working on. It sounds like something great. Thank you Cindi, thank you for another great post.

That’s it folks. Another vacation and another great group of guest blogs. I hope you enjoyed them. Feel free to leave feed back. I’m also hoping to make this something we do on a semi-regular basis. No sense in waiting until next year when people can pop in and give us updates before then. More on that later. For now I’m going to conclude with another sincere thank you to everyone who helped out and contributed while I was gone.

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