Blog: Reader Email


Blog 9/4

Reader Email From the Weekend

Reader Email: As I wind down the work day (Yes, I’m working on Labor Day) I have some reader email to get to. I’ll get to as many as I can and I’m going to try to work more of these into the blog so keep them coming.

ScandalL Writes:

Did you see this Toni James (you have reviewed her videos) story last week on Luke Is Back?

Toni James Story

I did read that story. In fact, it was one of the topics I touched on during the final Pornograffiti segment on Daily Noise. I was actually a little disturbed by the whole thing to be honest. It looks like Toni has moved on from her porn career and has become successful in another industry altogether. I’m always happy when I hear a story like that because post-porn life is not always great for these young women. I know that Luke was going for the “where are they now” angle and that’s hard to resist. If I have a dollar for every time someone has sent me a WEHT (What Ever Happened To) email I could literally buy myself new home theater set up. Everyone wants to know where their favorite porn girl ended up. What disturbs me about this story is that there seems to be no real story here. Toni isn’t (As far as I can see) trade in on her porn past to help boost her new career. Anyone doing that is certainly fair game for adult sites, boards etc. Neither is she out there blasting the business as something evil or shameful. Once again, if someone wants to fire shots at Porn Valley, then they should expect to have it brought up time and again. In this case however, we’re talking about someone who had a career in porn, left without a fuss and has lived a life totally outside of the industry. I don’t know for a fact that she’s looking to keep things quiet, so I’m not about to jump down anyone’s throat. It is still disappointing to me. It isn’t the sort of thing I would dig into or even run on my site. I just hope that bringing this up doesn’t hurt Toni in her new chosen career. I wish her only the best and hope that we can focus on the women who are still in the business or who want us to know what they are doing.

Eye Candy: Only time for one eye candy gallery today. Enjoy a video gallery from Justin Slayer’s

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