Football Fun

Football fun, Fantasy Update & Some Videos

Week three of the NFL season is almost in the books as I write this. That means that we are right in the heart of football season. That means that almost every fan still has hope that their team might have a shot. It also means that fantasy owners in every league I am playing in are already throwing in the towel, blowing up their team and planning for next year.

I will put together some fantasy league updates and run down the leaders in our yearly “pick em” league, but this post is really more about eye candy and a few laughs.

The first bit of fun comes to us from We all know that college football fans are passionate, but this Wisconsin couple got a little too into the moment. Apparently she offered to let him celebrate with a beer funnel or a blowjob and this fortunate fellow decided to have both…on the front porch of what appears to be a frat house. Take a look at the video.

Wisconsin Fan Celebrates with Beer and Public BJ

Hey more power to both of them I say. Sure, it’s a little public, but it’s college and why not enjoy some fun together. But check out the chick yelling in the middle “Have some self respect lady.” Come on now. Aren’t we past slut shaming. She’s just giving her man some oral pleasure. If you don’t like it, turn away. Unless she meant have some self respect and don’t be a Wisconsin fan. In that case, I get it. I do live painfully close to a lot of UCLA fans who could learn that lesson.

Speaking of fun at college football games, fall in SoCal means football games with the temperatures nearing triple digits. That means a lot of cold beverages at tailgate parties and it means that the co-eds parading around campus are dressed in ways that are sure to turn your head. I’m working on a full gallery of shots from the first three weeks, but here is a little taste. Gotta say, there ain’t nothing finer than a SoCal tailgate in terms of amazing eye candy.

If you want to see the full gallery, click here.

And finally this little bit of humor. It’s a few weeks old now, but still worth a laugh. A couple of dudes got together and went on a little hunt. They weren’t hunting hot girls or good times at the game. No, they were hunting old guys who hang out at football games. Two USC Bros Crash A Tailgate And Pretend They’re On A Jurassic Park Safari Where The Fratstars Are Dinosaurs

It’s pretty damn funny. And I have to say, I have always wanted to make it onto but I never thought it would be like this.

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