Blog: Football & Melancholy


Blog 10/13

Football & Melancholy

Sad Week: I’m still not sure what I want to write about the week’s events, but I guess I need to try. So much has happened and it is still happening quite quickly. As someone emailed me this week, it really doe put things into perspective. Somehow all of this just kind of feels small compared to the pain and confusion that so many people in and around the industry are feeling right now. Most of you have already read about Chico and Brian, but there was a third event this week that has been inside of my head. DenverDon, a moderator and frequent contributor on Adult DVD Talk passed away recently. I found out, as did a number of others from that site via an email sent by his son. I didn’t know Don. I don’t believe we ever met. I suppose it is possible I met him at one of the ADT parties are at AEE, but I am frightfully bad with names I’m afraid. I knew his name right away and remembered we had exchanged conversation on the boards and a few emails. What struck me was how we all found out. The man’s grown children sent out an email so that the people he knew virtually would know what happened. For reasons I can’t even completely explain, that made me incredibly sad. We all go and we all leave people behind. I would hope that the outpouring of good will from all the people who knew Don online would give his family some peace. The email was the third such I have received in the last eighteen months. The other two came right on top of one another. One came from the sister of a guy who read my site and who helped me out with some electronics now and then. We exchanged email and I enjoyed talking with him so when his sister emailed to tell me that he had passed I was stunned and shocked. (He wasn’t yet 30). The second came from a really fun guy who had a super thing for Robin “Fallon” Lee and who loved Civil War reenactments. He tried for three years to get Mrs. Rog and I to join him on one of his weekends and had me totally convinced that it would be a blast. Sadly he died before I could make one. I will one day Lieutenant. You have my word on that. Where is this all going? I don’t know, it’s just sort of a ramble. I guess the email from Don just got me thinking about who would send out the email if something happened to me. What kind of a response would Mrs. Rog get from all the people in my in/out box? I don’t know. It’s the kind of thing that makes me think. Sorry for that, kind of a mental run-on.

Eye Candy: OK quick, what is an appropriate gallery after that? How about a generic reality porn site gallery.

Brian Surewood: I’ve been reading a lot about Brian’s case and how the media is handling it. Most people in the industry are rushing to his defense while some are trying to bury him. I have no interest in doing either. I have met Brian on a number of occasions at events, on sets and at shows. He has always been exceptionally nice to me and to those around him in my presence. I was in his home for a few hours a while back. I was interviewing Tom Zupko at Brian’s place and we even got Brian’s girlfriend to pose in some Rog Rules gear. For as much a I know Brian I have to say that I believe in my heart that he never, ever meant for anyone to get hurt. I’m sure of that much. On the other hand, a family has been torn apart by what happened. The father in me in can’t help but wonder how angry I would be if someone did something like this to me. As someone pointed out today Brian’s car didn’t hit anyone. This much is true, but as much as we like the guy, we can’t overlook that he made some very poor decisions that helped contribute to a tragic situation. Did the other kid kick it off? That appears to be the case. Did Brian mean to make him crash? No. Does any of this bring that four year old back? No, it doesn’t. This on line love fest and media hate fest really shows what a double-edged sword we’re dealing with. Would most of us be so ready to give someone a break for doing the same thing if it were someone outside of the business? Would the media be so interested if not for his porn status? (Probably, this is a pretty big story.) I have read what other people have written and just don’t know how to feel. On the one hand I like Brian and believe him to be a decent guy. On the other, two grown men did something REALLY stupid and selfish. As a result, a family has lost a child. It’s just an incredibly sad thing.

Eye Candy: Yeah, another tough transition. Just take a look at Eva Angelina looking great in her glasses.

Football: The year of a million upsets continues. This week LSU and Cal go down, moving Ohio St. Boston College and S. Florida into the top three. I had a chance to watch USC figure things out in time to pull out a win over Arizona. It wasn’t pretty, but they got the job done. In a year like this who knows what might happen. Just two weeks ago, the Oklahoma Sooners had fallen from the top three down to number ten and now they should sit at four or five with a real shot of climbing to the top before long. There is a really good chance that no team will finish unbeaten. Look forward to another big year of playoff talk as the BCS manages to piss off most of college football nation.

Eye Candy: That’s an easier transition. Football to cheerleaders. That’s right folks, a closer look at Tiffany as she does her Cheerleader Audition.

It seems that all of the porn news has been melancholy all week. I was going to write more about the USC game and about Fashionistas Safado: Berlin which was just fucking amazing. Frankly I’m too tired and a bit down from all the negative stuff. I didn’t even get to my Chico Wang stuff.

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