Blog: World Series Set, Wild Fires Burning & Luke Ford Sells Out


Blog 10/23

World Series is Set, Luke Ford Sells Out & Fires

World Series Set: After spotting the Indians a 3-1 lead, the Red Sox came all the way back to make their second trip to the Series in the last three years. It was quite a comeback and sets up the well-rested Rockies against the battle tested Sox. It looks like a one-sided fight on paper, but we all know that anything can happen at this time of year. I know that there are a lot of members of Red Sox nation out there reading. Not sure if there are any Rockie fans reading, but let’s see which of you sends in the most fan pictures. Readers’ wives/girlfriends in their Sox/Rockies gear with Rog Rules signs? What do you say? Oh and my prediction? Sox in five. The Rockie ride comes to an end now.

Eye Candy: New girls are a lot of fun and this girl Jenna Doll is cute, has a great set of tits and looks to be a star on the rise. Enjoy her.

Luke Ford Sells Out: There is a notice up on that the site and its content are up for sale. He says he’s going to continue writing for sites and publications that do not take advertising money from porn. I’ve known Luke for a number of years and wish him well in anything he does. Now I’m just wondering if I should make a serious run at the site. I have never done a lot of gossip stuff on my site and am far more interested in reviewing movies, but it might be fun. Hell, if Fayner can do it, maybe I can too. I’ll have to find a hot porn chick to be my sidekick. Aurora Snow? Mika Tan? Kendra Kay? Nautica Thorn? So let’s start handicapping. Who gets Luke’s site, how much do they pay and does Luke come back yet again?

Eye Candy: Girls just love the Sybian and we love watching them. Here is a blonde hottie riding on the pleasure machine.

Debbie Done Again: So Vivid has re-done Debbie twice. I really like the idea of having two different directors shoot their own takes on a classic. That part was rather brilliant. Of course the alt-version has about as much to do with Debbie Does Dallas as alt has to do with porn. Since I haven’t been on the Vivid screener list in a while and since I have about as much of a chance of getting a Vivid-alt screener as I do of winning the Heisman Trophy. I’m going to pick up a copy of each of the Debbie at my local smut shop or on line. We’ll see how the two movies stack up against one another and then I’ll see if Eon’s latest masterpiece is really as bad as everyone says it is. I promise to keep an open mind and be fair, but honest.

Eye Candy: Because big things sometimes cum in little packages Lucy Lee shows up on

Fires: As some of you are painfully aware, much of SoCal is burning right now. The dry weather and high winds have turned all the dry brush into a perfect storm of fires. I know that a number of people in the industry have been affected though I haven’t heard of anyone being hurt or losing a home to this point. Further south, much of family is waiting for evacuation orders. Three separate fires are getting too close for comfort to my grandparents, parents and an aunt and uncle. So far everything is fine, certainly much better than many people have it at this point. Prayers and good wishes go out to everyone in the danger zones. Let’s just hope that the wind dies down a bit so that the firefighters can get a handle on this before anyone else gets hurt.

Eye Candy: Here is a new and inventive way to get laid. Shoot girls and then pay them with fake money like the dudes on Guys, please don’t try this at home.

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