Shane’s World Joins #CocksNotGlocks UT Campaign

( CHATSWORTH, CA ) — Shane’s World Toys is proud to be supplying free sex_toys to Campus (Dildo) Carry organizer Jessica Jin for her open carry dildo campaign at the University of Texas- Austin.

In June, Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed S.B. 11 which allowed concealed handgun license holders to carry their weapons on campus. In response, alumna Jessica Jin has organized an open carry event, “Cocks not Glocks”

( By contrast, there is a law on the books in Texas that specifically prohibits sex_toys in school buildings. The event will focus on the need for common sense changes in the way society thinks about the complex issues of violence and sexuality.

Shane’s World Toys has a long history of supporting_sexual freedom and expression, especially on college campuses. Their successful Sex_Toys for College Students campaign promoted a_sex-positive message while distributing thousands of toys to needy students throughout the country. The industry-leading novelty manufacturer wants to contribute to what it hopes will be a growing movement away from gun violence and towards free, healthy sexual discussion on college campuses throughout the United States.

“Our company has always been a strong believer in open_sexual expression,” says Shane’s World CEO Brian Grant. “We believe that if you can legally carry a gun on campus, you should have the same protection to open carry a sex_toy.”

To show their support for students’ rights, Shane’s World Toys has announced an open offer to any campus that would like to organize an open carry dildo campaign at their university. The first shipment has been offered to Ms. Jin , but any campus that wants to participate in the #CocksNotGlocks movement will receive Shane’s World Toys support and a shipment of quality toys to aid in the cause.

“We believe that the right to openly carry a sex_toy should be protected with the same vigor and passion as a handgun. Plus, they are way more fun. I would like to personally invite any campus organizer to contact us for their free shipment of Shane’s World toys.”

For more Shane’s World visit and follow them on Twitter @shanesworldxxx

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