Joe Writes:
Hey Roger,
After seeing all the hype about Kerkoves new Clusterfucks movie, I decided to order it for my porn shop so I could watch it for free. Well, right after watching it, I popped in a new Anabolic video, Tournante (not sure about that spelling). Anyways, Kerkove is all talk. His movie was maybe a 5 or a 6 in my opinion. The editor (credited as Palmer) is the absolute worst editor I’ve ever seen. There is was much “looping” that I thought I was watching 70’s porn. Plus, Ashley was close to crying and rarely seemed to be having any fun. I think you got so caught up in the “dick rubbing” that you missed some major flaws. The faces don’t match the dicks. The sounds don’t match the action etc. I’ve edited porn before and this is not how it’s done. Anyways, check out the Anabolic video I mentioned. It smokes Kerkoves but be forewarned, there is lots of double vaginal and double anal in the second gangbang. Peace, Joe Hamilton- Manager of Alternative Video, Pocatello ID.
Well Joe, I don’t like dick rubbing, but in a well made movie many things can be overlooked. Thanks for weighing in on this one.