Open Letter to the Candidates


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Where Do the Candidates Stand?

An Open Letter to All of Them

We’ve all been following the Evil Angel case and the Federal Obscenity cases brought about by the current Administration. Since we will be ushering in a new President in less than a year I thought it might be important to ask the candidates where they stand on this important issue. So I drafted a generic letter and sent it off the Obama, Clinton, McCain and Paul web sites. The letter is below. It is intentionally vague because I want to see if we can get an honest response. I’m sure I could get one answer with a “will you protect our First Amendment rights against censorship” and a completely different one with “will you protect our children from vile pornographers.” So it’s a bit bland, but I think it gets the point across.

I don’t actually expect to hear back from any of campaigns. This just isn’t the sort of issue they are likely to take a stand on. If any of them do reply or point me to a position on this issue, I’ll post it. If any of you know of any other candidates we should send this to, let me know. The Libertarians are the mostly likely of course, but they still have a handful of people vying for the nomination.

Good day,

As I am sure you are aware, the Bush Administration has actively pursued a number of Federal Obscenity cases in the past few years.
Most recently, John Stagliano and Evil Angel have been the subjects of these prosecutions.
As a voter and concerned citizen I would like to know what you, as a candidate for President of the United States intend to do about the vital issue of Free Speech as it pertains adult materials. Do you plan to continue to take an aggressive stance as the Bush Administration has or will you relax Federal prosecutions in the area of obscenity.

I have searched your web site and can find no position on this important issue. If one exists would you be kind enough to point me to it. If one does not exist, will you be so kind as to provide an answer on this vital issue.
Thank you
Roger Pipe- California

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