Blog: Hot Weekend


Blog 5/17

Hot Weekend

Back at Home: We were let back into our home this morning with minimal trampling of stuff in my office. (The whole development has been tented this week) It’s killer hot around here though. We took off at 8 am and it was already 83 outside. It’s well over 100 right now and if there was anything at all worth seeing at the theater (that wouldn’t be super crowded like Ironman is bound to be) I would be there instead of roasting in my chair catching up on porn. Since my DVD player has decided it won’t play 99% of all porn these days I am unable to run one on the laptop and one on the TV so I’ve had to settle for a day of porn on the laptop and a little TiVo hard drive cleaning. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon I guess.

Eye Candy: Today would be a good day for a pool party, a BBQ, and some big fat ass babes like Morning Star from

Playboy Radio: I’m working on page that will list each week’s featured review on Night Calls. I figure it will be a nice “pick of the week” feature and also remind people about the Tuesday evening segment with Christy and Vanessa. Per our conversation the other night, I’m probably going to do a live feed with them from Erotica LA in a few weeks. That should be fun. I’ve only done one of those. It was for KSEX a few years ago from Vegas. So far I haven’t picked the featured review of the week so if there is something I have recently reviewed that want done live let me know. If there is a new title out there you want me to review this week or for a future segment send me your suggestions.

Eye Candy: Take a break from the heat with the dangerously cute Kat from

Cleaning Off the TiVo: While we were gone, our DVR hard drive dropped down to 7% so I had to get a little TV watching in. I actually finished up two series that have gone off the air already. I watched the final three episodes of Las Vegas first. Yes, I watch Las Vegas. Yes, I know it was a cheesy show even before James Caan left. Yes, I know that it’s nearly as absurd as anything on TV. I still like it. What I didn’t like was the final episode. I’d had to spoil anything, so SPOILER ALERT…What the fuck? Cooper is supposed to be dead in a plan wreck and shows up at his own funeral? So he wasn’t on the plane, but no one knew it? I though that the triple wedding was going to be a cheesy ending, but the cancelled triple wedding was even worse. And then we end with Coop coming back, Delinda going into labor and bleeding all over her hand? That’s it? Bad, bad form. I guess that’s what happens when they pull the plug on a series before the end of a full season. Then I watched the last two episodes of K-Ville. That thing got cancelled a long time ago, but I wanted to watch the last two. They didn’t even have time to try and wrap things up. It was just your basic two episodes and watching them back to back was enough to make me really miss the show again. At least I got to watch them and was able to get our drive up close to 20% again. Now I just need to watch the whole Terminator series when I have the time. OK, turn this into a topic of conversation. Las Vegas is one of my guilty pleasures on TV. What are yours? And K-Ville is a show I think they bailed on too soon. What show do you wish hadn’t been cancelled so soon?

Eye Candy: School is almost over so let’s take a look at naughty little Mina Lee doing some hot stuff after class on

Porn Tax: There really isn’t any new news on the porn tax. Just a lot of reaction and some great discussion on the issues. Porn star Kayden Kross wrote a scathing blog on that pulls no punches. While I am not fond of anyone being called a “bitchcuntwhore” especially for holding views that I disagree with. (Sort of like calling them “lying cocksuckers” for the same reasons.) I do understand where Kayden is coming from. In Shelley’s world, every porn girl is just a poor stupid girl waiting to have drugs pumped into her body and her life ruined by vicious predators. Let’s be honest though. A lot of girls get into porn because they are already hooked on drugs and are far from innocent victims. There are bad people in this industry for sure. There are people who prey on others, those who rips talent off and people who would happily exploit their own mothers for a buck. Kayden is a young woman who seems to have a good head on her shoulders and a will that is strong enough to stand up to the big bad meanies of the Valley. That she chose to do porn is not a sign of weakness. It is her choice and Shelley is insulting women like Kayden with much of what she says. I still have a long blog to write regarding Shelley and the things she does. I’m probably one of the only people in the industry who hasn’t written her off as a nutter because I do believe she does a lot of good for some women looking to get out of this business. Unlike many people with a voice in this industry I don’t try to paint porn as some picture perfect family where drugs aren’t a problem because they “aren’t allowed” on set. There is a truth here that lies somewhere between Shelley’s view of porn as pure evil and Kernes’ vision of a porn industry where there are no problems. Why is a realistic vision of this industry so elusive? Why does it have to be all or nothing with so many people?

Eye Candy: Sex at school is great, but sex in the office can be just as much fun. Lacey DuValle shows that she still has what it takes to heat up an office.

Speed Racer: The reason I can’t find anything good to see tonight is that we took the kids to see Speed Racer yesterday. When I was a little kid I used to watch the cartoon every day and loved it. After watching the movie I have to say I loved it just as much as I used to enjoy the show. It isn’t a great movie on any grand level. It isn’t a world changing flick with a brilliant script. It’s just a lot of fun. It’s an assault on the senses, a brilliant blend of live action and computer animation and a piece of mind blowing escapism that suited me just fine. Oh yeah, the kids enjoyed it too. Now I have to find my Speed Racer box sets for them.

Eye Candy: Here’s a little fun from Hush Hush, Some samples from

Political Food For Thought: I don’t want to go too far into politics right now. (the Porn Tax is really what I’m focused on) but I did find this little tidbit funny. DNC head guy Howard Dean was on some show talking about election strategies that he found unacceptable. As he was speaking Dean said “Willie Horton was race baiting.” and went on to say “We don’t use this sort of stuff, we never has have used it.” Let’s pretend for a moment that we agree with Dean in his assessment of the Willie Horton ad. If it is in fact race baiting then we should probably blame the source of the Willie Horton strategy and point fingers at the original purveyor of same. George HW Bush? Ummm no. Try Al Gore. That’s right Dr. Dean. If Willie Horton was race baiting then you can’t say that you have never used it. Maybe the good doctor just forgot. Right.

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