ENTER NOW!!!!!! Fan Fave Final Four Contest: Win a Copy of Pirates 2


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RogReviews Fan Faves Final Four Contest

Pick the Final Four and Win Pirates 2

This year’s RogReviews.com Fan Fave Polls promise to be the most fun yet. In addition to a great field of contestants and higher voter registration than in past years, we have a great contest to keep fans interested. We’ve got our hands on some copies of the biggest blockbuster of 2008 and they will go to the winners of our Final Four contest. It’s very simple. You just check out the brackets, select your choices for the final four in each category and enter them on the forum. There will be a special thread set up for all official entries. With six categories to choose from, there will be plenty of possible entries. We will use the Most Wanted Celebrity as a tie breaker. I’m sill working on a complete prize list, but the top two entries will win copies of Pirates 2 from Digital Playground. That’s right, pick the most names in the final four and you will win a copy of Pirates 2:

The biggest epic in the history of adult films – Pirates – is back with Pirates 2: Stagnetti’s Revenge – from Digital Playground. This thrilling erotic sequel combines intense performances, incredible special effects and wildly passionate sex.

For more information visit:

So get your entries in and pick your favorites. This year’s contest is for more than just bragging rights.
Step One

Head over to the forum and go to the 2008 Fan Faves Final Four Contest Thread

Post your entry with your choice for the final four in Best Female, Best Male, Best Newbie, Best Director, Favorite Company and Best Movie. The brackets will be up Sunday night at midnight if you want to wait to see them before your entry. Entries will be accepted for the first week of the competition only so get yours in. Once you have posted your entry please email a copy to me at rog@rogreviews.com . When the final four is set in three weeks I will tally up the entries and pick the winners.

Good luck to everyone.

Head on over to the 2008 Fan Faves Final Four Contest Thread and get your entry in.


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