Van Styles Blog: Technology Run Amuck


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Technology: Too Much Too Fast? By Van Styles

Well here I am again attempting to contribute a worthwhile, entertaining blog here for Rog and the rest of you so here it goes.
Technology….. are we as people and a society advancing a little too fast to handle all this new technology coming at us every 6 months?
It seems as though yesterday the idea of a gadget such as a iphone would be “cool” to one day have. But what has it done to people in a whole? People getting cell phones to text message and to e-mail rather then to make actually calls? Social networks such as myspace and face book set up so you don’t actually need to leave your home to socialize?
One of the best quotes in relevance to what I am talking about comes from the movie Devil’s Advocate which came out a good 10 years ago. Al Pacino said it best “You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God… and where can you go from there?”
Where can you go? Well you can go from being some unknown person to being a YOUTUBE sensation, I mean even people who have thousands of friends on Myspace are getting their own tv shows via mtv. Instant gratification is what we have come to, nothing is ever enough these days. And as it goes for porn as well.
For a couple years people have been speaking of all the free tube porn sites, free passwords to pay site, torrent downloads of dvds etc and where does it leave this industry of ours? Will dvd officially die? Will our computers becomes t.v.’s with one giant Video On Demand? Will people finally get carpel tunnel from all the masturbating they will be doing from having so much access to porn so quickly?
I know there are true fans of this industry who appreciate the time and effort put in by people who put out quality product and to them I thank you for all of your support not only for buying or renting my movies but for doing so of any company/director you are a fan of. Sure you can hunt it down for free online via a bit torrent, or find some way around supporting us, but you choose not to and that’s what I am reminded of every time I go into shooting a movie.
I just hope that in this “lime wire”/free download generation that has been built for the past 10 years and will continue to grow that they appreciate the idea of the work and effort people put into these movies enough to pay for them and to not steal them.
But then again, it might just be the speed and growth of technology…. that burning for instant gratification, an economy in turmoil that is causing such a hardship for dvd sales.
Regardless of the outcome… I still think there will be a place for that tangible product, cause if a day comes when your internet isn’t working, or your computer crashed….. there will always be that reliable dvd player there for you.
Well that is my rant for today,thanks for taking the time to read this.

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