TV Polari Supports LGBT History Month



TV Polari Supports LGBT History Month In Light Of Widdecome Blast

Dedicated Gay & Lesbian IPTV Channel

TV Polari Supports LGBT History Month In Light Of Widdecome Blast

16th February 2009 (Brighton, UK): The world’s first dedicated gay and lesbian IPTV channel, TV Polari (, defends the police’s support of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans (LGBT) History Month after Anne Widdecombe MP, whose constituency is in Kent, publicly blasted Kent police for inviting schoolchildren aged 13 and 14 to write an essay on their own feelings about homosexuality. TV Polari sponsors LGBT alongside the Metropolitan Police Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Department of Health and the Department For Children, Families and Schools, amongst others, and broadcasts LGBT videos on its international network.

Widdecombe slated the time and effort of Kent police, saying it was “an utter waste of police resources when they should be catching criminals”; that police “shouldn’t be involved with homophobia”; that such matters are “better handled by parents and teachers”; and that “police should not be blundering into this.”*

The police force organised the writing competition as part of the 2009 LGBT History Month and it offers a £25 book token as a prize for the best essay explaining what the LGBT History Month slogan, ‘All Different, Same Respect’, means to the entrant. A spokesman for the Kent police explained the exercise is targeted to “cracking down on homophobic bullying and crime” and that the project, which is being conducted within the local community, appears to have been “nationally misrepresented.”*

TV Polari director, Jamie Flawn, says: “It is an outrage. Widdecombe’s remarks are totally misguided and under informed. Homophobia is a serious issue and as serious a crime as any other form of attack and/or abuse. We applaud the Kent police for drawing attention to these matters and encouraging young people to address their feelings about homosexuality and homophobia. The education of young people in these issues is vital in the fight to put a stop to homophobic attacks.”

He continues: “Surely combining a literary exercise with educating young people about homophobia is a positive thing. After all, the standard of literacy in this country is as appalling as Widdecombe’s remarks.”

Sue Sanders, co chair of LGBT History Month and Schools OUT, agrees: “It is to be commended that Kent council and Kent police are readdressing these problems of hate crime. LGBT people are slow to report harassment and abuse as they have lost trust and confidence in certain organisations; and it is crucial that organisations such as councils and the police are seen to be recognising the needs of a part of the community that pays its taxes and needs their services.”
She continues: “LGBT History Month was designed to challenge the stereotypes and prejudice against LGBT people. To ask young people to write an essay on LGBT people and those, perhaps, who have inspired them, is to begin the process of education in these matters. Young people should be encouraged to discover the wealth of LGBT people who have, down the ages, produced music and art, written literature, been active scientists and mathematicians, dancers, engineers, film makers, politicians, teachers, soldiers, police officers … thereby making the world they live in a richer and more special place.”
Sue concludes: “Homophobic bullying, like all forms of bullying, is based on ignorance. To support the education of all young people against prejudice is to make the schools a safer place for all.”
The LGBT History Month takes place every year in February and celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community. Its patrons include Sarah Weir, executive director of the Arts Council of England; actor, director and writer Cyril Nri; Sir Ian McKellen; and Labi Siffre, poet, songwriter and singer.
The LGBT History Month also includes further projects and activities and the writing competition is believed to be open to those in higher age group brackets as well. Please see for further details.
TV Polari broadcasts online globally via its own website and Go UK TV; and direct to television on the Something TV set-top box service in the UK.

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