Reader Email: Why no Incest in TV Parodies?


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Reader Email: Hotter Brady Porn

How About a Little Incest Alice

Rog’s AEBN Theater

Mark writes in with a few suggestions to make the porn TV parodies even hotter. I will have to send an email to Jeff Mullen and see if he can get a message to Will Ryder so he can address some of these ideas personally.
Reader Mark Writes:

Hello Rog,
Just wanted to drop you a line about the spate of parodies coming out of the adult entertainment industry.
I just loved the last Brady movie, but I feel that something is missing. I wish their had been some sex of a incestuous nature. How hot would that be is they had Greg and Marcia fucking their brains out. To have little Cindy make it with all her brothers or deal ol’ dad, would surely be the hottest movie to come out in years. They could have Greg and Mrs. Brady consummate their desires, after all- Florence Henderson and Barry Williams admitted they were attracted to each other.
I have seen that Hustler is or has put out movies parodying the Munsters, Three’s Company, The Partridge Family, and Get Smart.
One question I have I why is Hustler the only studio that is producing these movies. I am a big fan of Zero Tolerance, 3rd degree, and Jules Jordan, I think that maybe they would put a different spin, specifically incest in movies about families on TV. Happy Days and Married with Children are just two prime examples that could have sexual encounters between the family members.
Well thank you for letting me sound off, would like to get a reply.
Mark Heston

Thanks for the email Mark. Interesting ideas. My guess is that the companies doing these movies don’t want to mess with incest. It is, if you will excuse the pun, a bit ‘taboo’ even now. In the case of the Bradys of course it is only step-incest and that issue has been dealt with in Elegant Angel movies for years. They even a whole movie about it called Moral Degeneration years ago. Great movie by the way. An early Rob Black flick that kicked ass. Hustler and Adam & Eve are putting these out because they are the ones doing features. As much as we may like the gonzo companies, they aren’t likely to put out something this scripted or feature-esque. Both Happy Days and Married with Children have been shot, though I doubt if either touch on the incest issue at this point.
Thanks for writing and maybe someone in porn will listen to your suggestions.

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