VRPorn.com Examines the Ethics of Virtual Reality Porn


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VRPorn.com Examines the Ethics of Virtual Reality Porn

Do We Need to Avoid Amateur Content Altogether to Steer Clear of Trouble?

VENICE, CA – It’s easy to get excited about a new technology, especially one so mind-blowing as virtual reality. But as the technology grows and especially as it becomes more accessible thanks to both increasing popularity and decreasing prices, it’s important to understand that even as it appears to shatter the limits of video technology, it doesn’t eliminate the limits of ethical responsibilities.

In a new article on the VRPorn.com blog, writer ErosVR has offered an in-depth investigation into what could go wrong and what everyone involved must do to keep it real. Among the many concerns are what will happen when the performers are underage or adults working under duress. And while the fight might seem obvious, the solutions put forth by ErosVR are sure to be controversial.

ErosVR takes an admittedly conservative point of view, suggesting that everyone carefully consider amateur porn and where it comes from. After all, amateur content isn’t subject to the same regulations as that coming from a professional studio and, as such, perhaps it should be avoided. And with the price of VR equipment plummeting, there are bound to be potholes in the road ahead.

“Every great power comes with a great responsibility: we have to make sure that the medium remains safe, consensual, and void of crime and abuse,” ErosVR writes.

“We can’t stop content from circulating and being distributed around, but we can choose the quality of content we watch. That’s why it would be wiser to stick to the professional and ‘authorized’ content, even though it’s all staged and fake. Yes, something authentic, raw, and unstaged stirs our interest much more, but is our foolish curiosity really worth the revenues we’re about to generate for some really sick people? If you ask me, the answer is a certain ‘NO!’”

While keeping the amateur’s hands of VR equipment is going to be impossible – check out the recent article on VRPorn.com about the falling prices on equipment – but it doesn’t leave everyone helpless. Learn how to avoid unsavory content and why it’s important in this new article on the VRPorn.com blog today.

Read “The Ethics of VR Porn #1 – Keeping it Adult and Safe” at https://vrporn.com/the-ethics-of-vr-porn-1-keeping-it-adult-and-safe/.

Read the recent EveryJoe.com interview with VRPorn.com founder and CEO Daniel Peterson on http://www.everyjoe.com/2017/02/24/entertainment/interview-daniel-peterson-ceo-vrporn-com/.

Check out VRPorn at https://vrporn.com/. To go directly to their blog, go to https://vrporn.com/blog/.

SOCIAL: Twitter and Facebook: @vrporn

MEDIA: Rising Star PR http://risingstarpr.com.

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