New Eye Candy from Brandon Iron


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New Photo Gallery: Brandon Iron May 2009

Another Awesome Gallery from Brandon Iron

Brandon Iron Rog Rules: May

Our good friend Brandon Iron always sends over great eye candy. He’s got one of the best jobs in the world. He gets to sit back in his office all day and wait for hot girls to show up to shoot for his sites,,, or one of his other projects. These pretty girls come in, suck him off, eat his cum, maybe get fucked and they leave. Then he goes back to work until the next girl comes in. Yeah, that sounds pretty damn good to me.
Along the way, he takes time out to shoot pictures of the girls with the Rog Rules gear for our enjoyment. Check out this latest collection that includes Raveness, Sammie Sapades and three shots of the always awesome Andi Anderson. Thank you ladies and thanks again to Brandon for taking the time to think of us while he is living a life we all dream of.


Brandon Iron: Rog Rules May

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