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PornHubPremium.com is an outstanding source for XXX HD videos featuring the biggest stars in the business. It features scenes and full DVDs streaming. Choose your favorite star, studio, chanel or category and enjoy the HD smut. There is tons to choose from here, including DVDs and scenes from major players as well as niche-oriented content providers. If you want variety, this site has it in spades.

With so much content to choose from, there is no prevailing theme to the XXX action. It is basically anything you want in full HD with no ads. That’s the primary appeal here, streaming high definition porn with no ads to get in the way.


The main page for PornHubPremium.com is a portal to endless hours of XXX viewing. The page is designed in typical tube site fashion with a prominent search bar, a tool bar and a number of video options for those who want to get right to the action. The search box will pull up premium scenes (HD) as well as the rest of the pornhub collection. It allows the viewer to pick out exactly what they want. The quality is going vary here, but if you are looking for something specific, this is a nice, simple option.

You can also choose from a list of “Hot Videos” that are displayed just below the main menu bar. The come with a screen shot, ratings and a basic title to let you know what the scene includes. Further down the page you can choose from trending channels, popular premium videos, popular DVDs and recommended videos. This is great main page navigation if you just like to kind of follow what looks good and see what you can find.

If you really want to dig into what www.pornhubpremium.com has to offer, choose the “Premium” option from the main menu bar at the top. This gives you quick access to Top Rated scenes, Popular DVDs, Featured Channels, Hot 1080p and New Premium videos. It also features a menu on the left that I found really helpful. This includes Popular Premium, Hot Premium, Hot 1080P, New Premium, Popular DVDs and Popular Channels.

The sub-menus also offer nice features. In Popular Premium you can scroll through the highest user-rated scenes in a basic thumbnail view, multi-page layout. With hundreds of videos in this category to choose from it could take a while to find what you want. So if you would rather cut it down, you can choose between only HD videos and all formats, pick Professional or Amateur productions, sort by video length or choose from about three dozen categories covering body type, ethnicity, sexual act, fantasy and other delineators. Hot Premium works the same way, but with the material arranged by how often it has been viewed.

In addition to all the scenes, there are several hundered complete movies on PornHubPremium.com. The Popular DVDs feature allows you to scroll though titles from companies like Wicked Pictures, Lethal Hardcore, Digital Sin, Combat Zone, Filly Films, new Sensations, Team Skeet, JM Productions, Blue Vanaties, Porn Fidelity, Immporal Productions and dozens more.

The Popular Channels feature allows you to quickly pick content from over 2700 content providers. That’s a whole lot of channels. Most of the channels come from popular web sites and many focus on very specific niche material. Some of them only have a handful of scenes, but there are some heavy hitters here. At the time of this review (5/18/2017) the top of this list features Brazzers, Fake Taxi, Family Strokes, Digital Playground, Jules Jordan Video, Lethal Hardcore, Public Agent, Teens Love Huge Cocks, Teen Fidelity and Property Sex. Once again, there is tremendous variety in the action here so you can find whatever it is you are looking for.

There are a couple of viewing options available for the material. Obviously, the scenes and DVDs are available for streaming. That is a strength of this site and the easiest way to enjoy the action. If you find something you just have to add to your smut collection, the scenes and DVDs are available for download as well.
With thousands of DVDs, scenes and channels to choose from, PornHubPremium.com will keep you busy and provide whatever kind of XXX content you are looking for.

COST: There are two membership options for PornHubPremium.com

-$9.99 30 Day Membership
-$7.99 Per Month on Yearly Subscription. ($95.88/year)

OVERALL: 96 of 100.
Models: 20 of 20 (Thousands of Gorgeous Models)
Quality of Content: 18 of 20 (Technically solid, sexually hot.)
Quantity of Content: 20 of 20 (Thousands of updates)
Ease of Use: 18 of 20 (Very Simple to Use)
Niche Appeal: 20 of 20 (Just About Any Kind of Niche You Want)

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