Pink Visual Accepts Blame for iPhone Problem


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IPinkVisual Takes Blamd for Overheating iPhone

Someone was Bound to Blame Porn Anyway

OK this is a joke, but it’s a great one. You have to know that someone would blame porn for the problem. From the ranting right wing nutbars to the angry lefty feminists, everyone hates porn. So why not have a little fun with it. is a good site to blame. I reviewed the site recently (Read Review Here) It is a great site for mobile porn with a ton of quality scenes from virtually every niche. How good is it? Well PV thinks it is good enough to be the cause of over-heating iPhones. Take a look at this and keep in mind, it’s tongue in cheek.

From the Press Release

Mobile Adult Film Studio Takes Blame for Overheating iPhone Problem

VAN NUYS, Calif. While tech industry blogs and Apple critics have pinned a reported overheating problem on faulty iPhone batteries, intrepid mobile porn studio Pink Visual has stepped to the plate and accepted responsibility for the phenomena of overheating of model 3GS iPhones.

As soon as we heard about a problem with the new iPhones getting too hot, we knew that was likely to blame, said Lea Busick, director of affiliate marketing for Pink Visual. Our techs looked into the problem immediately, and we discovered that there is indeed a lot of porn on that is simply way too hot.

Busick cited a specific scene added to the site recently as the most likely source of the scorching heat being reported by iPhone users.

It’s that new Tiffany Rayne scene we added last week, I just know it,
Busick said. That girl is dangerously hot. Rumor has it that she’s the
source of many unsolved arsons in the Los Angeles area. She’s no arsonist; it’s just that you have to be careful with storing flammable materials outside in any location she’s liable to walk by.
Busick said that while the company has no plans to make its porn less hot, it has engineered a server-side software solution that keeps the temperature manageable on the user end of the equation.

If you’ve experienced problems with your iPhone overheating while watching videos on before, please visit the site and try again, Busick said. Our systems administration team is confident that our new fireless firewall should keep the temperature down to an acceptable level. Having said that, I would advise users to continue to steer clear of our videos featuring Sasha Grey, just in case.

This press release and the claims made in it are for entertainment purposes only; PinkVisual’s products do not actually have anything to do with overheating iPhones, Tiffany Rayne’s presence in a given area is not sufficient to start a fire, and avoiding Sasha Grey videos is merely punishing yourself.


This is my first review of a porn for portables site. It is a great collection of scenes from the Pink Visual web family. The scenes are nicely packaged with small files that are perfect for downloading to your iPod or iPhone for later viewing. For the first time, really good porn is portable.

Read the Full Review Here

Here is an excerpt

This is the latest addition to the Pink Visual family. We are already familiar with their huge family of reality-based porn sites and successful DVD lines. Having already conquered the worlds of web site porn and DVD porn, Pink Visual is ready to take on mobile porn. www. offers tons of scorching videos from some of the most popular sites and DVD PV has to offer. The videos are available for download to your mobile device. You can fill up your iPod, iPhone, PSP or other mobile device with quality porn featuring lesbian sex, big cocks, anal sex, gang bangs, couples seducing teens, wife swapping, orgies, big, butts, big cocks, big tits and just about anything else you can think of. They update the site with 10 new clips every week so you will get at least 40 a month for a very low fee. If you watch your porn on a mobile device, get ready to have it filled to capacity with outstanding smut in very flavor you can imagine.


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