Blog: Forum Updated, RIP Walter & Guest Bloggers Needed


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Blog: Forum Updates, Another Major Loss & Guest Bloggers

Updates & Stuff

Lots of stuff to catch up so I’ll throw them together into a blog entry.

Forum Update: Though some of you may be unaware of it, there is a Rog Reviews Forum for people to discuss topics, ask questions and trade smack talk. I have added some new sections including Sports, Mainstream, Web Site Porn and of course the usual Porn Talk and Porn Star Talk. I’ve even teed up a few topics ranging from “Good Guys in Porn” to “2009 MLB Predictions.” Head on over, register and get the conversation started.

Eye Candy: Do you like big tits? Do you like REALLY big tits (Yes Dan, this means you.) Well there is a new girl on the scene and she has massive hooters. Miosotis has two of the biggest tits I’ve ever seen. Working on a review of that site. In the meantime if anyone signs up and wants to write a review, send it over. I’m sure people would love to know if her tits are as good as they look.

Death of Walter: Is it just me or have we lost a whole lot of really big names lately. Farrah, MJ, Ed McMahon, Steve McNair and now Walter Cronkite. Granted he was 92 and most of the people reading this site probably barely remember as a newsman. As the voice and face of news for generations of America Cronkite was trusted in a time when newsmen at least tried to hide their partisanship. I’m sure there are a number of tributes to Cronkite as well as plenty of attempts to balance out the mainstream press love fest. I’ll let you read whatever tribute you like, but I’m going to link to The man was a legend, a pioneer and a talented newsman with a great deal of integrity and he’s gone. Anything less than a lovely tribute would just be silly at this point. When Keith Olbermann finally kicks, that will be a different story.

Eye Candy: OK this one is going to be hilarious. Eva taking on the Great White Hype on Whitezilla. You have to love the creativity of porn folks.

Guest Bloggers: It’s an odd-numbered year so that means it is time for a vacation. I will taking off for a week with the family next month and am once again looking for some guest bloggers to fill the news pages while I’m gone. In the past we have had great articles from Belladonna, Teagan, Aurora Snow, Jeff from IAFD, Cindi Loftus and many others. I will put together emails to send out to the usual suspects, but if you want to write something, let me know. It’s simple. You can write about anything you want, promote a new project, vent about an issue, tell the readers how great I am (Why is it no one ever takes me up on that one?) or anything else you like. If you’re interested drop me a line. If you know anyone who might be interested, send them my way. Thanks.

Eye Candy: Sometimes all you need is a pretty girl. Danielle is just such a girl.

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