Reader Email: Who Paid for MJ’s Memorial


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Reader Email: MJ’s Funeral Costs

Les Wonders Why We Paid

Les writes in with some questions about MJ’s memorial costs. Excellent points as usual. I’m just not sure what could have been done. It’s not like the LAPD can just not show up to protect things when that many people gather. Anywhere they had it, people would have flocked and police would have been needed. It would have been nice to see the people who threw the event paying for it, but how do we force that bill on them?

Les Writes:

Rog: the one thing that hasn’t been mentioned during the media orgasm over Jackson’s death is this:
Los Angeles spent 1.5 Million dollars on Jackson’s memorial service during a time that LA is dealing with an enormous budget deficit and laying off police officers. MJ was a star, and people have a right to mourn and celebrate his music. But, given the state of the economy (in LA and CA in general) spending 1.5 Million dollars of taxpayer money for the memorial is a travesty.

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